
ap 短語和例子A.P. =1.Associated Pres...

The meters show your hp , mp , and “ ap “ 在四處奔走的時候,你將隨機遇敵,進行戰斗。

ap star

New york ( ap ) ? it ' s china ' s turn on the climate hot seat 紐約美聯社:在氣候問題上,輪到中國處境尷尬了。

Ap equipment leasing engineering ltd 機械買賣租賃及維修

Ap lei chau : ap lei chau public landing steps adjacent to citybus depot 鴨洲:城巴鴨洲車廠旁的公眾碼頭

New york ( ap ) ? it ' s china ' s turn on the climate hot seat 紐約(美聯社)中國成了氣候變暖問題的熱點。

Virtual reality tecnnique and its ap - plication in urban planning 虛擬現實技術及其在城市規劃中的應用

Ap / is there a pair in buffett ' s size 有巴菲特能穿的鞋嗎?

I took one ap course and scored 3 我曾經選了一門,得了3分。

Ap photographer kidnapped in gaza 美聯社攝影記者在加沙被綁架

Ap lei chau : tin hau mtr station 漁安苑鴨洲:天后地鐵站:

2f , ap lei chau clinic , 161 ap lei chau main street , ap lei chau 鴨?洲大街161號鴨?洲診所2字樓

Look , l was with regina all afternoon , studying ap chem 聽著,整個下午我都和瑞吉娜在一起學化學

Ap : did you get to drive the boat 記者:你自己開快艇兜風了嗎?

Ap : what are you playing in “ young hannibal ” 記者:你在《年輕的漢尼拔》中飾演什么樣的角色?

Use the ammonia electrode measurement ap 用氨氣敏電極測定高氯酸銨

Ap lei chau estate lee nam road industrial area 鴨洲利南道工業區

Allied mg ' s ap rounds now lasts 30 seconds from 20s 機槍隊的穿甲彈持續時間從20秒增加到30秒。

New york ( ap ) ? it ' s china ' s turn on the climate hot seat 輪到中國坐在氣候變暖的的焦點上了。

2005 southern district council ap lei chau north by - election 2005年南區區議會鴨?洲北選區補選