
aorta n.(pl. -tae ) 【解剖學】主動脈;【蟲類】大...


Roles of g alpha q 11 mediated - and platelet - derived growth factor mediated - signal transduction pathways in rat aorta restenosis G alpha q 11和pdgf依賴性信號轉導通路在大鼠主動脈再狹窄中的作用

Effects of 17 - estradiol eluting stent implantation on neointima proliferation and re - endothelialization of abdominal aorta in rabbits 雌激素洗脫支架植入兔腹主動脈對內膜增生及內皮化的影響

We like to think of our systems as the aorta of our customers , transferring critical documents to and from their trading partners 我們真誠地希望此平臺成為客戶與貿易伙伴之間交易的樞紐。

Methods the clinical data of 43 patients who underwent covered stent - grafting for dissection of aorta were analyzed 方法對采用支架血管腔內治療的43例主動脈夾層病人的臨床資料進行分析。

Objecties . to determine the mobility of the aorta relatie to the spine with the patient in prone and supine position 目的:觀測主動脈相對脊柱的位置在俯臥和仰臥位時的可移動性。

Effect of simvastatin on vessel smooth muscle cell proliferation and possible mechanism after stenting in abdominal aorta of rabbits 辛伐他汀對平滑肌增殖的影響和可能的分子機理

Change sclerosis for aorta more commonly , make pressing of arteries and veins increases , this sees more at old people 一般多為主動脈化硬化,使脈壓增大,此多見于老年人。

Experimental study of the effect of huayutongmai injection on intimal proliferation of rat aorta after balloon injury 化瘀通脈注射液對大鼠主動脈球囊損傷后內膜增殖的影響

Effects of black sesame oil on the blood lipid and the pathologic chang of arteria aorta in rabbit of atherosclerosis 黑芝麻油對動脈粥樣硬化兔血脂和主動脈形態學的影響

Effects of tongluo prescription on angiotensin level in plasma , kidney , heart and abdominal aorta in diabetic rats 通絡方劑對糖尿病大鼠血漿和組織血管緊張素水平的調整

Objective to assess the efficacy of endovascular covered stent - graft in the treatment of dissection of aorta 目的探討帶膜支架血管腔內隔絕術治療主動脈夾層的效果。

Conclusion skilled stent - grafting technique may improve the outcome for the treatment of dissection of aorta 結論熟練掌握支架技術可提高主動脈夾層的治療效果。

Vasodilation effect of water decoction of the common monkshood prepared daughter root on rabbit aorta in vitro 附子水煎劑對家兔離體主動脈血管舒張作用的研究

Experimental reconstruction of a cervical esophageal segment in dogs by decellularized porcine aorta tissue matrix 脫細胞豬主動脈基質重建犬頸段食管的實驗

These three aortas demonstrate mild , moderate , and severe atherosclerosis from bottom to top 從下到上依次排列著輕、中、重三種不同程度的動脈粥樣硬化。

Value of monitoring fetal and abdominal aorta flow in forecasting intrauterine fetal hypoxia 胎兒大腦中動脈和腹主動脈血流監測對預測胎兒宮內缺氧的價值

Three aortas are shown to demonstrate mild , moderate , and severe atherosclerosis from bottom to top 從下到上依次是輕度、中度、重度動脈粥樣硬化病變。

Discussion of relationship between arteriosclerosis obliteration and aorta abdominalis calcification 動脈硬化性閉塞癥中醫分型與腹主動脈鈣化關系探討

The ascending aorta was involved in 34 of these patients and the descending aorta in 31 這些患者中,有34名患者升主動脈受累, 31名患者降主動脈受累。