
aol AOL = absent over leave 逾假未歸...


Aol took the information off it ' s website . the company apologized and called the release a screw up Aol把資料從網上去掉。該公司表示歉意,并要求釋放。

Who cares what you think about the look of another girl ? this is not an aol forum 誰會在意你怎么評價另外一個女孩的容貌?這可不是aol (美國在線)論壇。

Still the records from aol show that internet searches can tell a lot about what people are thinking Aol仍然記錄顯示,網搜索者可以告訴一些人的想法。

Aol has said that this is a very dangerous virus and that there is no remedy for it at this time Aol公司說這個病毒非常危險并且目前還沒有解救措施。

Aol users may need to use a different browser than the one included with aol Aol用戶可能需要在使用aol所包含的瀏覽器之外再使用一個不同的瀏覽器。

This way , time warner hopes that aol can maintain a relationship with people who leave 時代華納希望美國在線能通過這種方法挽留住失去的用戶。

As part of the settlement , microsoft will pay $ 750 million to aol time warner 作為解決方案的一部分,微軟將支付給美國在線時代華納75億美元。

Aol news - breaking news from around the world and in - depth coverage of current issues Aol新聞-來自整個世界和電流的深入的范圍的新聞發出。

In addition , it includes clients for aol , yahoo ! , msn , and icq instant messages 此外,它的客戶包括美國在線為雅虎! 、注釋、 icq的即時訊息

Aol pets - dogs 中國名犬網

Aol japan , inc Aol日本公司

Aol has announced its intent to establish its own identity management registry known as Aol宣布了其發布自己的身份驗證注冊表,名為

Aol users may need to use a different browser than the one included with aol Aol使用者可能需要使用另外一種瀏覽器來取代使用aol 。

Should your problems persist , you may wish to contact aol technical support 如果問題仍然存在,請立即與aol的技術支援部門聯系。

One evening , the satellite gave us interesting numbers about the aol 一天晚上衛星發回了關于人工臭氧層的一些不尋常的數據。

Aol : children s health 中國兒童健康網

As subscribers left , therefore , aol was losing page views too 因此,隨著訂購用戶的離開,美國在線也在失去頁面請求訪問量。

Aol american on - line 美國在線服務公司

Where only aol members can access it , as opposed to the entire web 放在只有美國在線會員而不是整個網絡都能訪問的地方?