
anywhere adv.1.無論何處,任何地方。2.〔口語〕(用于否定句...

“if you could direct us anywhere sir,“ said the child, “we should take it very kindly. “ 如果你指點我們一個去處,先生,”孩子們說道,“我們也是一樣感謝的。”

“i told you i'm not going to be stuck anywhere all my life,“ rudolph said . “我跟你講了,我不會一輩子呆在哪兒的,“魯道夫說。


I'd like to know when you and papa are going to think i'm old enough to go anywhere without you both . 在您跟爹看來,我要多大才能出去走動不用你們伴著。這我倒想知道。

Mrs. bleakinsop declared upon her conscience that she would have known sir. francis anywhere . 布倫金索普太太肯定地宣稱:無論在哪兒,她都能把弗朗西斯先生認出來。

But we were afraid that the strength of the current would prevent its landing anywhere before it became exhausted . 但恐怕水流的力量會使它游不上岸便精疲力盡了。

This figure was so detached from its surroundings that it would have been noticeable anywhere . 這人與周圍的環境是那么格格不入,要在任何其他地方一定會引人注意。

He was liable at the whim of an impersonal government to be blown anywhere about the world . 只要全無人情味的政府一聲令下,他隨時都可以被調到世界上任何地方去。

As a result, freshwater animals live there at depths greater than anywhere else on earth . 因此,淡水動物在這個湖里比在世界上其他任何地方都能在更深的水中存活。

“if you could direct us anywhere sir,“ said the child, “we should take it very kindly. “ 如果你指點我們一個去處,先生,”孩子們說道,“我們也是一樣感謝的。”

You are a great prince of the church, i would go anywhere with your blessing to protect me . 你在教會里是個大人物。只要有你的祝福來保護我,我什么地方都敢去。

You're a topfight comptroller, the best numbers and money man i know anywhere . 你是個出類拔萃的稽核員,在我見到過的跟數字和鈔票打交道的人當中,你是頭等的。

The unkindness of your own relations has made you astonished to find friendship anywhere . 你自家骨肉的冷酷,使你在任何地方發現了友情都大為驚詫。

One saudi brigade on the move means it will be two days before it can be anywhere near action . 調動一個沙特旅意味著要兩天以后才能開到戰場附近。

If we can pick up any other loans he's made anywhere else, well and good . 假使我們可以探出他在別的任何地方搞到的其他任何借款,那就好極了。

The life here is more intense, more violent, more rutted than life anywhere else . 這里的生活比別處緊張,比別處狂熱,比別處更積重難返了。

Don't you have as good a private collection on christianity as one will find anywhere ? 你私人收藏的基督教書籍那樣齊全,哪兒也比不上吧?

The performer seemed quite at home anywhere between a horse's head and its tail . 這個表演者躺在馬的頭尾之間就象在家里那樣悠然自得。

These simple lenses far surpassed the best microscopes anywhere else in the world ! 這些簡單的透鏡勝過世界上任何地方最精良的顯微鏡。

You don't get those sort of people concentrated almost anywhere except on trains . 除了火車上,哪兒都甭想聚得攏這么多各式各樣的人。