
anyways adv.〔口語〕從任何觀點來看,不管怎樣。 It doe...

“ well , anyways , i doan hanker for no mo un um , huck “反正我不希望再碰到這樣的人了,哈克。

Fine , i wasn “ t gonna smoke anymore anyways 好的,不管怎么樣我都不會再抽了


- i don ' t like it . - eat it anyways 我不喜歡。無論如何吃了它。

That ' s so sweet , - half a beer anyways , 真太好了現在只剩半瓶了

- that ' s so sweet , - half a beer anyways , 真太好了現在只剩半瓶了

Why do you think they call it ` ` falling , ` ` anyways 不管怎么說別人都叫那為“陷入“ ,你認為呢?

You wouldn ' t have even appreciated it anyways , 你不會有多重視它

- kevin ? - what ' s ieft of him , anyways -凱文? -只是他剩下的那部分

Kevin ? - what ' s ieft of him , anyways 凱文? -只是他剩下的那部分

Then why do people get married , anyways 那么人們到底為什么結婚?

Ma , relax . i don ' t believe in the curse , anyways 媽媽,放松點。不管怎樣,我不相信那些詛咒。

What is your problem with him anyways 總之你對他還有什么意見呢?

Anyways , you ' re not a porker . you ' re the un - porker 不管怎么說,你都不像什么大肥豬你絕不是豬

“ well , anyways , i doan hanker for no mo un um , huck “反正我不希望再碰到這樣的人了,哈克。

Anyways , that ' s what the test results say 不管怎么樣,體檢結果在那

I ' m not gonna finish that today anyways 我也不想今天就把這事全做完

Why do you think they call it falling , anyways 不管怎么說別人都叫那為“陷入“ ,你認為呢?

Johnny never liked that nickname anyways Johnny一直都不喜歡這個綽號

How ' d you find these guys anyways 話說回來,你是怎么找到這些家伙的?