
anyway adv.= anyhow.

“obsessed“ is a strong word in spanish anyway . 反正“著魔”這個詞在西班牙話里分量就不輕。


The house was locked and i cannot get in anyway 屋子鎖著,我無論如何也進不去。

Anyway , we can go to the den and get the contracts - 總之,我們到書房里談談契約

Who cares , anyway , what to do in a water landing 誰會注意呢,要怎么在水中登陸?

What makes the rules so impirtant , anyway 戒律、戒律,為什么戒律就那么重要呢?

It hurt a iot , right ? what does he do anyway 很痛吧,是不是?他為什么要那么做

Anyway , the point is , you won ' t wear it 不管怎么樣,我要說的是直到你學會如何用

Except if i don ' t look good , say i do anyway 除了,若我氣色不好還是要說假話啊

Well , that ' s all right . you just took it anyway 好吧,沒事.反正你剛才已經做了

Anyway , do you by any chance know where mole island is 你應該知道摩伊島在哪吧

Who the heli ' d wanna read about all this horseshit anyway 有誰想看這些謊話呢?

Anyway , it made me re - evaluate my priorities . . 總之,這件事讓我重新自我評價. .

Anyway , i could teach him to play cricket and rug by 我還可以教他打板球和橄欖球

That ' s ok with me . i am dead tired anyway 我沒問題。不管怎么說,我已經累死了。

Um . anyway , i hope lunch with the parents went well 呃,和家長們的午餐還順利吧

Anyway , that ' s my story . that ' s my story 不管怎樣,這是我的故事這就是我的故事

Paul : well , there ' s nothing else to do anyway 保羅:好吧,反正也沒別的事可做。

- where ' d you find him anyway ? - he found me -你是從哪兒找到他的? -是他找到我的

Anyway , i could teach him to play cricket and rug ] by 我還可以教他打板球和橄欖球