
anytime adv.1.在任何時候。2.總是,無例外地,一定。短語和...


She ' ll be deported anytime . actually we might prosecute her 實際上我們可能會起訴她。

Please feel free to ask for any help anytime 任何時候需要幫助請隨時找我

Easy to take - anytime , with meals , before or between 容易攝取-在任何時候,飯前或飯后

A website makes your company visible anytime , anywhere 貴公司的網站使得有形隨時隨地

Except large . large , you can come anytime you want 除了拉吉之外拉吉你什么時候都能來

Yeah , you can stay with me anytime , can ' t you 你可以一直和我在一起,對嗎

Sv : you probably won ' t run into that anytime soon 你大概短期內不太會遇到那樣的情況!

Don ' t worry about me . i can get out of this anytime i want 別擔心我我隨時都能逃出去

Will just pop at you at anytime . sir ? sir 將會在任何時間突然在你面前出現先生?先生

This is the number where i can be reached at anytime 這個號碼,你隨時都可以找到我。

I felt that my personal safety was at risk anytime 我感到我的人身安全隨時受到威脅。

You want to take it outside ? anytime 你想到外頭解決(干架)嗎?隨時奉陪!

Anytime you need anything , just call me 無論你何時有困難,隨時打電話給我

How to generate profitable product ideas anytime 如何創造利潤最高的產品理念,隨時!

Oh , man , anytime . absolutely . i ' m there 噢,老天,任何時候真的,絕對奉陪

You can walk anywhere , anytime , you just need to want 您能走任何地方,您正義需要要。

Any country , any place , anytime i want 任何時候在任何我想的國家,任何地方,

Nothing could go wrong anytime that i m with you 其實我也害怕可不可以就這樣停下來

If you want , i can give you a lift anytime 如果你需要,我任何時候都可以載你