
anything pron.1.〔用于疑問句、否定句、條件子句中,或用于肯...


I just wouldn't tell you for anything . 我無論如何也不愿告訴你。

Isn't there anything we can do about it ? 難道我們就無能為力了?

I don't want to reason about anything . 我也不想要探討什么事情。

If you have got anything to say , say it openly . 有話說在明處。

The patient has n't eaten anything for two days . 病人兩天沒有吃東西了。

I'm awfully sorry, i can't do anything more . 實在抱歉,我已無能為力了。

You have anything else eating you ? 還有什么別的使你不得安寧嗎?

He closed his ears to anything said by his teachers . 他聽不進老師的話。

Have the police got anything on him ? 警方有證據證明他有罪嗎?。

He hadn't done anything unspeakable . 他沒有做什么不可告人的事。

You'd better not have anything to do with it at all . 你還是別插手的好。

I would give anything to know the truth of it . 我要不惜一切去弄清真相。

Do n't do anything to arouse suspicion . 瓜田不納履,李下不整冠。

This early love could come to anything . 這初戀的結果會是多樣的。

If you find anything unusual , report it at once . 發現情況,趕緊報告。

He didn't know anything about her plight . 他對她的困境一無所知。

Richard said he was ready for anything . 理查德說他什么都愿意干。

Are you worried because you haven't anything to do ? 你在發愁沒事做嗎?

How do we find the temperature of anything ? 我們怎樣測量物體的溫度呢?