
anyplace adv.〔美口〕在任何地方,無論哪里(= anywher...

They look at the 1 bill and the 1 bill said , “ i haven t been anyplace except from one church offering plate to another . 圣經說:從你所得的錢中抽取十分一奉獻給神。若有一百元,便給?十元。


Gca silicon commutate battery charger are the ideal portable tools for charging , they are composed with the conditions of voltage dropping through rectifier transformer , then the bridge rectifying of rectification circuit . the output full - wave pulstin current charge the storage battery . the voltage changing composed with multiband switch . the outputcurrent can be adjusted . this kind of product used any moment onctarging anyplace Gca系列整流充電機是由整流變壓器的降壓,再經過流電路的橋式整流,輸出全波脈動直流對電瓶進行充電,電壓調速同多頭波段開關組,輸出流可以調節,該產品用任何需要補充充電的場所。

Its main contents is as follow : firstly , it makes the discrete model for the subsystems of the scraper conveyor and the whole system with the finite element method ; secondly , the modal analysis method is used to obtain the inhere frequency and mode of the viberation ; finally , computer simulation is applied to get the displacement , velocity , acceleration and tension of the anyplace on the scraper conveyor for the four special working condition 其主要內容如下:用有限元方法建立了刮板輸送機子系統及整個系統的離散體動力學模型;應用模態分析法求解系統的固有頻率和振型;對四種非穩定工況下的動態特性進行計算機仿真,得出整個刮板輸送機在任意點的位移、速度、加速度和動張力。

However , since the midst of 1960 ' s , with changing of internal and external operation background and social law surroundings , and economics life depending on audit opinion expending , accounting companies and auditors are running into proceeding case , which lead them into suffer inserious even destructive impout . audit risk exists anytime , anyplace , even intense . but , audit risk canlbe controlled 然而, 20世紀60年代中期以來,隨著被審單位內外部經營背景和社會法律環境的變化,以及經濟生活對審計意見依賴程度的擴大,會計公司和審計人員不斷陷入訴訟案件中,受到沉重的甚至是毀滅性的打擊。

Let us not forget also that north korea failed , for 10 months , to take up the bush administration s offer in 2001 to meet anytime , anyplace without preconditions , thus precluding the possibility of progress early in the president s term ; and ?請大家不要忘記,北韓十個月來一直沒有響應布什政府提出的可以在任何時間、任何地點進行沒有任何先決條件的會晤的建議, … …從而貽誤了在本屆政府早期取得進展的時機;

“ look , there aint anyplace in coco town that would have what you need anyway , ” the droid cut him off a little irritably . “ just use the towel . . . the little one won ' t care and he ' ll clear the place out otherwise “瞧,反正可可鎮哪里都不會有你需要的東西, ”機器人有點不耐煩地打斷他, “就用這個毛巾吧… … ,小家伙不會在意的,要不他就要把這里的客人都趕跑了。 ”

Over the past hundred years , no other natural disaster in the us has caused more death and destruction than floods , they can happen anyplace , any day , anytime 在美國過去的一百多年中,洪水造成的死亡和破壞比其它自然災害多,洪水可以在任何地方、任何時候、任何時間發生。

I am the chameleon animal . you can place me anyplace . and i will not belong . i must tell you that i do not really belong anywhere 你是視覺動物吧?呵呵。這個主意不錯哦。不過,你是怎么做的?怎么拼湊的?

They look at the 1 bill and the 1 bill said , “ i haven t been anyplace except from one church offering plate to another . 圣經說:從你所得的錢中抽取十分一奉獻給神。若有一百元,便給?十元。

He vowed to return one day with technology that could negotiate anyplace within the titanic ' s interior 他發誓將來有一天會重回鐵達尼號,屆時的技術將可以順利穿越這艘船內部的任何地方。

I was there as an american , with the right to meet anybody , anyplace , anytime 我在那里是以美國人的身份,去見任何人,在任何地方,在任何時間

You ' re not going anyplace 你哪也不能去

You ' re not going anyplace 你哪兒也去不了

Trees ain ' t going anyplace 樹又不會到處亂跑

Perfect for hotels , motels or anyplace that demands compact , high - value fitness 的鍛? 。 mg500最適合酒店,汽車旅

Look , man , anyplace you and me 我們能不能找個地方

L don ' t have anyplace to go 我現在沒有地方可去了

L can ' t find you anyplace , and now l come to you with an idea , 我哪里都找不到你現在我有個好主意,需要你了

Anyplace else you ' d rather be 還有什么比這更好的機會干掉他嗎?