
anyone pron.任何人(= anybody)。


I'm as leery of certain polls as anyone . 我和任何人一樣對某些民意測驗持懷疑態度。

You big simpleton, how can anyone deceive the eye . 你這個大傻瓜,誰能夠騙眼睛呢?

I don't have to mind anyone this summer, do i ? 這個夏天我對誰都不用顧忌了,對嗎?

I can not see anyone around . 我看見附近一個人都沒有。

Don't you know anyone who could throw his weight around ? 你是否認識有影響的人物?

He's never looked at anyone else . 他從未看中過什么人。

I don't want anyone to know yet of my presence . 我現在不想讓任何人知道我回來了。

Her criticisms were enough to make anyone see red . 她那些批評任誰都得火冒三丈。

He left without consulting anyone before the meeting was finished . 他徑自走了。

He resents anyone else using it . 他恨任何其他人使用它。

Anyone without a ticket can ask her for one . 問她要票。

My instructions are that i am not to let anyone in . 我得到吩咐不讓任何人入內。

There will be no question of anyone being made redundant . 決不可能裁掉任何人。

I would wish not to be hasty in censuring anyone . 我總希望不要輕易責難一個人。

If anyone will help, it will expedite the matter . 如果有人幫助,將使事情加速。

He had been warned not to tell anyone about it . 曾經叮囑他不要和任何人講這事。

Here 's a bit to eat if anyone 's hungry . 這里有點吃的,誰餓了可以先點補點補。

Never did i submit to anyone . 我從來也沒有屈從過任何人。

She had not yet been to see anyone . 她還沒有去看望他們。