
anymore adv.再也(不),(不)再〔用于含有否定意義的結構〕。...


A : i have nothing to do with my ex - husband anymore 我跟我的前夫已經一刀兩斷了。

Or worse still will people not like me anymore 或者更壞的,人們都不喜歡我了。

I don ' t go by sebastian haff anymore , okay 不要再叫我塞巴斯蒂安?海弗了,好嗎

Go on until he can ' t speak anymore ! - yes 給我打到他不能吭氣是- - - - - 《神龍教》

It just doesn ' t seem right anymore , since demps 只是什么都走樣了,自從丹伯斯

Hello , christy . why don ' t you call anymore 喂,克莉絲。你怎么都不打電話給我的?

B : really ? so we won ' t be seeing you anymore 真的嗎?所以我們不會再看到你了嗎?

And throw down with that rodeo . i can t take this anymore 雖然你影子還出現我眼里

I . . . i have to say that i dont love you anymore 我不得不說,我從來沒有愛過你。

After today , he won ' t treat me like that anymore 今天開始,他就不會再這樣對我了

I don ' t . . . i don ' t recognize the city anymore 我不… …我一點也不認識這個地方了

I used to be all those things , but not anymore 我以前就是那個樣子,但以后不會了

What are you doing here ? i don ' t need you anymore 你來這里做甚?我再不需要你了

And i don ' t have to waffle around with ruddy anymore 我再不用圍著盧迪團團轉了

So you just put archim there and not worry anymore 你們就這么扔下archim不管了

Your momma says i can ' t tell you that one anymore 你母親說我不能再對你說這個了

But you can ’ t say , you don ’ t love me anymore 但你不可以說,你再也不愛我了。

. . . and when i get back , let ' s not talk anymore . . .我回來以后,咱們不要在談了

Only her eyes are bad , so she can ' t read anymore 可是她的眼睛不好,不能看太多