
anyhow adv.1.總之,無論如何,不管怎樣(= in any ...

“ i wonder what s getting into me , anyhow ? “我不知道我這究竟是怎么啦? ”

“ well , when did you go on the stage , anyhow ? “哦,你到底是什么時候上舞臺的? ”


What are you doin ' with mose plydell ' s plane anyhow ? 你想對mose plydell的飛機怎么樣?

It may snow , but anyhow i will go to town 可能下雪,但我無論如何要進城。

It may rain , but i shall go out anyhow 天將下雨,但不管怎樣我也要出去。

Tell them you must have forty dollars , anyhow . 告訴他們,不管怎樣,你都得拿塊錢。 ”

But anyhow , he drew nearer and nearer to his friend 不管怎么樣。總是離朋友越來越近。

She put all the things in the bag anyhow 她隨便地把所有東西都塞到袋子里。

It ' s okay , i ' m gonna fuck with you anyhow . it ' s all good 好吧,便宜你了,這東西挺棒

Anyhow , the moral of the story is : be tolerant 但不管怎樣,我們都必須要能寬恕他人。

“ i wonder what s getting into me , anyhow ? “我不知道我這究竟是怎么啦? ”

Don t worry , but thank you , anyhow . 不用擔心我們,不過還是謝謝你的好意。

Anyhow , they all fell under her hanzo sword 那他們是怎么死在她的半藏刀下

Don ' t that lead back to the alliance , anyhow 難道他們不向聯盟報告然后… …

It may not work , but i ' ll try anyhow 它可能行不通,但我不管如何都要試一試。

What ' s all this about sharpness anyhow 到底為什么會有這么多攝影者關心鏡頭的銳度?

It ' s a moot point , anyhow . - what do you mean 不管怎樣都不可能. -你什么意思

I ' ve tried , but i can ' t open the door anyhow 我已經試過了,但無論如何也打不開門。

“ well , when did you go on the stage , anyhow ? “哦,你到底是什么時候上舞臺的? ”