
anybody pron.1.〔用于疑問句、否定句、條件子句中〕任何人。...


Anybody can go broke . 任何人都有可能垮掉。

Anybody would have said that we were conspiring together . 任何人也都會說我們在一同陰謀策劃。

Would anybody like to visit my pistol range downstairs ? 誰愿意到樓下去參觀參觀我的手槍靶場?

He'll never be anybody . 他永遠不會成器的。

There isn't anybody can handle the platoon better than you . 咱們這個排,誰帶起來也比不上你。

He no longer has the urge to write letters to anybody . 他再也沒有想要給任何人寫信的欲望了。

She can certainly hold her own against anybody in an argument . 她在辯論中決不會輸給任何人。

I have n't seen anybody . 我沒有看到任何人。

Can i give anybody a lift ? 有誰要搭我的車?

I could not conceive of anybody using it for a title . 我簡直想像不到任何人會用它來做題目。

Is she laying anybody ? 她是不是迷上了什么人?

Do tell me that you won't belong to anybody but me ! 你一定得說,你只能歸我,不能歸別人。

He'll do whatever anybody says. he has no backbone . 別人讓他做什么他就做,他一點沒骨氣。

Gm was too big to join up with anybody else . 通用汽車公司太大了,它不會同任何人搞聯合。

We can get anybody off . 任什么人我們都開脫得了。

I couldn't stand to see anybody eaten up by the hogs . 我不能眼睜睜地看著別人被豬吃掉。

He rarely disciplined anybody . 他很少懲戒任何人。

If you wish to be anybody , … 你要是想出名的話…。

Never pick on anybody who isn't your own size, son . 孩子,千萬別去捉弄比你矮小的人。