
any adj.1.〔用于疑問句、否定句、條件子句中,或用于肯定...


He will use any trick in the book to stop you . 他一定千方百計阻止你。

But no sign of any intruders can be found . 結果并未發現有人撞入家中。

She hated any separation from him . 同他的任何分離都引起她的怨艾。

There won't be much difficulty , if any . 就算有困難,也不會太大。

A man 's hat in hand never did him any harm ... 對人恭敬于己無害。

It was a norm for any major company . 這在各大公司都是司空見慣的。

I have not by any means a quick understanding . 其實,我一點也不聰明。

I know that it wouldn't make any difference . 我知道這都無濟于事。

When there wasn't any news i faked it . 新聞不夠的時候,我就捏造。

Don't you cast the first stone at any rummies . 別盡罵別人是酒鬼。

Now he can't unload any of his cotton . 現在,他一斤棉花也不能脫手啊。

Any time left over would be used for output . 剩余的時間留做輸出之用。

Will any gentleman oblige a lady ? 請哪位先生把位子讓給一位女士好嗎?

At any rate it would not open any of the doors . 反正哪扇門都打不開。

It should not present any legal problems . 不應該發生什么法律問題。

To date , we have not received any replies . 我們至今還未接到答復。

They determined to do this at any cost . 他們不惜任何犧牲來作此事。

She hardly ever hit any sort of mark . 他幾乎從來沒有打中過什么目標。

I wonder if there is any short cut . 我想知道有沒有學好外語的捷徑?