
anxious adj.1.憂慮的,擔心的;掛念的,焦急的。2.切望的,...


People were still coming in and their expressions were confident not anxious . 顧客仍舊絡繹不絕,人們神色自若,不慌不忙。

I cannot help feeling very anxious about his frail body and another operation . 他身體衰弱并需再動手術,這使我不勝懸念。

The village streets were lined with people anxious to see the strangers . 鄉村街道的兩旁站滿了渴望著要看看外國人的人群。

A commander must n't get too anxious for the sake of some partial advantage . 一個指揮員不要因為局部利益操之過急。

Naturally i am anxious to learn enough english to put to good use . 的確如此,我正急于提高英語,以便很好地利用它。

He was really not so cunning as dull and anxious to get along . 他只是呆頭呆腦,急想要混下去,實際上并不怎么狡猾。

I was only anxious that a straightforward agreement should be reached . 我只是迫切希望能夠達成一個直截了當的協議。

The division superintendent galloped past, perplexed and anxious . 分莊總管騎著馬跑過,一副為難、焦急的樣子。

Profound and anxious consultations had taken place at washington . 在華盛頓進行了深入而又令人焦灼不安的商談。

Mr. doran was very anxious indeed this sunday morning . 事實上,這個禮拜天的整個上午,多倫先生一直心神不安。

Beyond them, an anxious pastry chef supervised desserts . 在他們旁邊,有一個焦急的糕點師傅在指導做甜點心。

He had been quite anxious , but i managed to settle his mind . 他原來很焦慮,我設法把他的情緒穩定下來了。

He had already been growing anxious to resume his literary career . 他早就急不可耐地盼望重操文學舊業了。

He is over anxious . 他太焦急了。

They seemed to be too nervous and were too anxious to leave . 他們看來過分緊張不安,并且過分急于離開。

What is your father like ? is he anxious to help people ? 你的父親是怎樣的一個人?他很愿意幫助別人嗎?

Some people were hurrying, as if anxious to get ahead of others . 有一些人匆匆忙忙,似乎急于超過別人。

His face was anxious . 他面色緊張。

I don't feel any more anxious now than i did before . 我現在也跟從前一樣,對于這件事一點也不著急。