
anxiety n.1.懸念,掛慮,憂慮。2.切望,渴望。3.【病理學】...

“who wants me?“ she cut into tommy's chant with a note of sharp anxiety . 她打斷湯咪的詠唱,急卻地問道:“誰找我?”


Before settlement there was exertion, anxiety and need in human life . 在定居之前,人類的生活充滿著勞累、焦慮和貧困。

“who wants me?“ she cut into tommy's chant with a note of sharp anxiety . 她打斷湯咪的詠唱,急卻地問道:“誰找我?”

A poignant anxiety thrust itself sharply into presley's heart . 一陣劇烈的焦慮,象把刀子似的,直扎進普瑞斯萊的心房。

Write home as often as possible so as to relieve your mother from anxiety . 盡量多給家里寫信,免得你母親牽腸掛肚。

Watching him climb up the precipice , everybody was breathless with anxiety . 看著他往懸崖上爬,大家都捏一把汗。

Luckily poor dear roger had been spared this dreadful anxiety . 可憐的羅杰這次總算幸免了,不必擔驚受怕。

The anxiety i felt about the future is still vivid in my mind . 那種前途渺茫的情景,至今仍然歷歷在目。

The anxiety increased, became almost painful for a moment . 越發增添了心中的憂慮,一時竟至憂心如焚。

She thought of what had just passed with anxiety and distrust . 她焦急,懷疑地想著剛剛發生過的事。

I am devoured with anxiety . 我憂愁極了。

I was wet with anxiety . 我焦急得渾身冒汗。

I 'm distracted by anxiety . 我焦急得發狂。

This unpleasant premonition was followed by anxiety . 隨著這種不愉快的預感便產生了一陣憂慮。

His face, though lined, bore few traces of anxiety . 他的臉皮雖然打皺,但很少有焦慮的跡象。

I 'm distracted with anxiety . 我焦急得發狂。

I was relieved from anxiety . 我的心病消除了。

Father became a little feverish in his anxiety to please . 父親渴望討人喜歡已有點發狂了。

My anxiety grew by the hour . 我的憂慮與時俱增。