
anvil n.1.(鐵)砧。2.【解剖學】(耳朵里的)砧骨。3.(...

Based on ladle refining , wide flat anvil forge with great forging ratio , heat treatment process of “ normalizing + spheroidizing + diffusion hydrogen “ , the cold roll blank has been forged succesfully , and the percent of pass is up to 90 . 5 % 采用鋼包精煉爐冶煉、寬平砧大壓下量鍛造、 “正火+球化+擴氫”的熱處理工藝,成功制造了冷輥坯,合格率達90 . 5 。


Fu tei wan and kwo lo wan contained rich relics of c3000b . c . . pottery finds including cooking vessels such as cauldrons and pots ; and food - containing vessels like basins , cups and stem - cups were found . a variety of stone tools such as adzes , beaters , hammers , anvils , pounders , arrowheads ; and stone decors such as rings , slotted rings etc . were also found , suggesting that the people practiced hunting , fishing and food gathering 虎地灣和過路灣文化遺存,則遠溯至公元前三千年,遺物十分豐富,陶器包括釜、罐等炊者器和盤、杯、豆等盛食器、石器則有錛、拍、 ? 、砧、杵、鏃等各式生活工具,以及環、 ?等裝飾物,推測當時先民過著簡單的漁獵生活。

A new measurement system for electrical conductivity in an yj - 3000t press fitted with a wedge - type cubic anvil was set up on the basis of the old one . a solartron 1260 impedance / gain phase analyzer was used in the new system ; mo electrodes and a mo shield were also used to keep oxygen fugacity close to the mo - moo2 , which is similar to that of iron - wustite ( iw ) 在yj ?緊裝式六面頂壓機上,對原有的礦物、巖石電性測量系統進行了進一步的改進:建立了一套以solartron1260阻抗增益?相位分析儀為測試儀器,使用mo電極和mo盾來控制樣品氧逸度的測量系統,該系統的氧逸度環境為mo ? moo _ 2 ,接近iw緩沖對。

Main product : tungsten carbide powder , roll ring , anvil and cylinder , mining button bit , dies nib for various application : cold heading dies , drawing dies and non - magnetic carbide dies . all of the products mentioned above could be offered in blank or finishing product 公司主要產品有:碳化鎢粉硬質合金輥環頂錘和壓缸冷鐓模無磁合金礦山柱拉絲拉管模棒材板材非標模具及硬質合金精密加工產品等,廣泛應用于鋼鐵標準件金剛石粉末冶金石油礦山磁性材料機械加工電子等行業。

And all came with nimbi and aureoles and gloriae , bearing palms and harps and swords and olive crowns , in robes whereon were woven the blessed symbols of their efficacies , inkhorns , arrows , loaves , cruses , fetters , axes , trees , bridges , babes in a bathtub , shells , wallets , shears , keys , dragons , lilies , buckshot , beards , hogs , lamps , bellows , beehives , soupladles , stars , snakes , anvils , boxes of vaseline , bells , crutches , forceps , stags horns , watertight boots , hawks , millstones , eyes on a dish , wax candles , aspergills , unicorns 他們手執棕櫚葉豎琴劍橄欖冠,袍子上織出了他們的職能的神圣象征:角制墨水瓶595箭面包壇子腳鐐斧子樹木橋梁浴槽里的娃娃們貝殼行囊596大剪刀鑰匙597百合花鹿彈胡須豬燈風箱蜂窩長柄杓星星蛇598鐵砧一盒盒的凡士林鐘丁字拐鑷子鹿角防水膠靴老鷹磨石盤子上的一雙眼球599蠟燭灑圣水器獨角獸600 。

The process parameters of electric upsetting include : velocities of upsetting cylinder and anvil cylinder , heating current , preheating length and time , etc . because different materials have different mechanical , electric and thermal characteristics , and there are effects between different parameters , the determination of those parameters becomes a complex problem 電熱鐓粗成形過程的工藝參數主要包括鐓粗缸活塞運動速度、砧子缸活塞運動速度、鐓粗壓力、加熱電流和預熱長度等。這些參數的選擇是一個復雜的問題,其復雜性不僅在于不同的材料具有不同的力學、電和熱傳導特性,而且各參數相互影響、相互制約。

The influences of the high reduction and the upper anvil speed on microstructure evolution are discussed . a comparison between the simulated and experimental results on distribution of the average grain size shows that both results are in agreement very well . this means that the redeveloped deform3d is successful 分析討論了壓下量和變形速度對微觀組織的影響,并通過試驗結果和計算結果的比較,驗證了所使用的材料本構模型及其參數值的正確性,也說明了本文所進行的軟件二次開發是成功的。

“ strongly impressed with the idea that these stones contained gold and silver , they subjected them to all the tortures of ancient alchemy , and the goldsmith ' s crucible , the forge , and the blacksmith ' s anvil , were employed in vain to elicit riches which existed only in the imagination “強烈地認為這些石頭中含有黃金和白銀,他們使這些石頭遭受了所有古代煉金術的折磨,動用了金匠的坩堝、熔爐和鐵匠的鐵砧,但是這些想要獲得那些僅存在于想象中的財富的努力都白費了。 ”

The sounds of england , the tinkle of the hammer on the anvil in the country smithy , the corncrake on a dewy morning , the sound of the scythe agains t the whetstone , and the sight of a plough team coming the brow of a bill for centuries the one eternal sight of england 英格蘭之聲,是鄉村鐵匠鋪里鐵砧上錘子的叮當聲,是露珠欲滴的清晨秧雞的鳴啼聲,是磨刀石上鐮刀的霍霍聲,是山梁上走過一隊犁地的農夫? ?這是許多世紀里英格蘭的永恒景象。

The knife falls directly on the roller anvil of special material to clip the veneer . this mechanism coupled with the high speed working stopping the feeding of veneer because it is only a spillt second that the knife stops the veneer at the time of clipping 剪切刀高速的直接落在特殊材質的倒貼輪上來剪斷單板,在這剪切過程中,只需極短的時間,因而不必停止單板的進料輸送,達成極高的工作效率。

An experiment of the scaled down fmv forging process is carried out under the conditions of different high reduction and different speed of upper anvil in order to verify the redeveloped deform3d , the constitutive relation inserted in deform3d and the material constitutive parameters 根據大型汽輪機轉子的實際鍛造過程,完成了幾種不同的壓下量和變形速度的按比例縮小的fmv拔長工藝模擬試驗。

The royal chime of the palace scatters on all sides , and without relaxation , resplendent trills , upon which fall , at regular intervals , the heavy strokes from the belfry of notre - dame , which makes them sparkle like the anvil under the hammer 王宮莊嚴的鐘樂從四面八方不懈地拋出明亮的顫音,恰好圣母院鐘樓低沉而略微間歇的鐘聲均勻地落在這顫音上面,仿佛鐵錘敲打著鐵砧,火花四濺。

Abstract : based on ladle refining , wide flat anvil forge with great forging ratio , heat treatment process of & quot; normalizing + spheroidizing + diffusion hydrogen & quot; , the cold roll blank has been forged succesfully , and the percent of pass is up to 90 . 5 % 文摘:采用鋼包精煉爐冶煉、寬平砧大壓下量鍛造、 “正火+球化+擴氫”的熱處理工藝,成功制造了冷輥坯,合格率達90 . 5 。

By adopting the method of coupling analysis , and a comprehensive consideration on composed pressure and affections of pre - tightened radial force and thermal stress , the internal stress field of anvil was obtained and the damage mechanism was expounded 采用耦合分析方法,綜合考慮合成壓力、徑向預緊力和熱應力的作用,獲得了頂錘內部的應力場,闡述了破壞機理。

Based on ladle refining , wide flat anvil forge with great forging ratio , heat treatment process of “ normalizing + spheroidizing + diffusion hydrogen “ , the cold roll blank has been forged succesfully , and the percent of pass is up to 90 . 5 % 采用鋼包精煉爐冶煉、寬平砧大壓下量鍛造、 “正火+球化+擴氫”的熱處理工藝,成功制造了冷輥坯,合格率達90 . 5 。

In the sixth paragraph , the author discusses how the direct damping under anvil block of forging hammer affects the beating energy , the operation , the safety of the facility and the economic benefits 第六章分析了鍛錘砧下減振技術對打擊能量(打擊效率) 、生產操作、設備安全等的影響,并從經濟效益的角度認識了鍛錘隔振的意義。

By means of analyzing the influence upon the stress distribution affected by parameters of half conical angle of anvil and ratio of height to diameter , the structural optimization method was advanced 通過分析頂錘半錐角、高徑比等參數對應力分布的影響,提出了結構優化的方法。

In order to make asteroids that have long - ish oval or banana alike shape , ratio of maps has to be decided before going to anvil so that there ' s no stretching in the end 要創造出卵圓型或者像香蕉那樣的小行星,就得在構建前決定貼圖的尺寸比例以避免最后出現貼圖的拉伸變形。

The ratio of v - anvil width in the fmv forging method is optimized with numerical simulation according to the principle of larger deformation in the ingot center and smaller load 按照工件心部變形大、載荷小的原則,得到的優化結果是:上下砧寬比= 1 : 1 . 5時壓實效果最好。