
anus n.(pl. anus(es)) 〔拉丁語〕 【解剖學】...


The pathological changes were paralysis of pelvic floor muscles , ptosis ofpelvic floor and anus laxation 均采用改良的髂腰肌加強盆底、直腸懸吊術進行治療。

Cancer of colon , rectum and anus colorectal cancer is a malignant neoplasm affecting the lower gastrointestinal tract 結腸直腸及肛門之癌癥結腸直腸癌或

Because anus is handed in , your problem is cause rectum to injure anal perhaps injury ( anal fissure ) 你的問題是因肛交造成直腸損傷或者肛門損傷(肛裂) 。

Anus hands in both neither sanitation , cause anus bowel disease easily again , best not to be repeated 肛交既不衛生,又輕易造成肛腸疾病,最好下不為例。

Stanford : i don ' t like having anything inserted in my anus , even though it may come as a surprise 我不喜歡有東西在我的肛門里,哪怕是有可能會帶來驚喜。

Faceneck and specific places such as : tongueswallowsthroat fingerbreast penis , pudenda and anus 自幼面部患有毛細血管瘤鮮紅斑痣紅胎記,顏色逐年加深

Asshole : literally , one ' s anus - - a dislikable person that dishonest politician is a real asshole 照字面意義,一個人的肛門一個令人討厭的人。

Double stapling technique and total mesorectal excision for anus - saving in low rectal cancer 雙吻合器技術在全系膜切除低位直腸癌保肛手術中的應用

Insert the pointed end deeply into the anus , and hold it tightly shut for 4 to 5 seconds 把栓劑尖的一端深深塞入肛門內,然后收緊肛門四至五秒。

Basically the digestive system consists of a long tube that runs from the mouth to the anus 消化系統基本上由一條從口通向肛門的長管道所組成。

Mr . douglas : it ' s pretty ugly . we haven ' t seen an anus this bad since the seventies 道格拉斯先生:相當丑陋。從七十年代以來都沒有這么糟過。

Seen here is the anus and perianal region with prominent prolapsed true ( internal ) hemorrhoids 可見肛門和肛周有明顯的真性痔脫垂(內痔) 。

To the anus .的器官

On combining acupuncture and moxibustion with traditional chinese medicine steaming to cure anus eczema 針灸配合中藥熏洗治療肛門濕疹

Study on anorectal manometry in postoperative incontinence in children with imperforate anus 先天無肛肛門成形術后大便失禁的測壓分析

Now , 80 percent of these cancers may be effectiely remoed while sparing the anus 現在, 80 %這類腫瘤都能被有效切除,同時保留肛門。

Artificial anus bag 人工肛門袋

This dissertation discusses the development of the anus and colon imaging system 本文主要探討了肛腸影像檢查系統的研制與開發。

Artificial anus circle 人工肛門圈