
anuria n.無尿(癥)。anuric adj.

Hiding essence of life is the main physiology function of kidney , the essence in kidney is angry , be airframe life activity this , to airframe the physiology activity of each respect all is having all in all effect ; kidney advocate water fluid , basically be the aerification function that the essence in pointing to kidney enrages , to the body fluid inside body be defeated cloth and excrete , maintain the balance that the body fluid inside body metabolizes , the adjustment with rising very important action ; kidney advocate bone gives birth to pith , it is spirit of the energy in kidney has stimulative airframe to grow actually a of growth function main component , the rise and fall that the essence in kidney enrages , affect the growth of bone and growth not only , and the plentiful that also affects spinal cord and encephalon and development ; “ tine is bone “ , tine and bone give one cause together , the tooth also is filled by institute of gas of the energy in kidney raise , spirit of the energy in kidney is abundant , fall off the tooth is solid and not easily , if kidney is medium air of essence of life is inadequate , criterion the tooth becomes loose easily , inchoate even fall off ; kidney have one ' s ideas straightened out at 2 shade ( external genital organs and anal ) , accordingly , frequent micturition , enuresis , urinary incontinence , make water little or anuria , all the aerification function with kidney is wrong about 藏精是腎的主要生理功能,腎中精氣,是機體生命活動之本,對機體各方面的生理活動均起著極其重要的作用;腎主水液,主要是指腎中精氣的氣化功能,對于體內津液的輸布和排泄,維持體內津液代謝的平衡,起著極為重要的調節作用;腎主骨生髓,實際上是腎中精氣具有促進機體生長發育功能的一個重要組成部分,腎中精氣的盛衰,不僅影響骨的生長和發育,而且也影響脊髓和腦髓的充盈和發育; “齒為骨之余” ,齒與骨同出一源,牙齒也由腎中精氣所充養,腎中精氣充沛,則牙齒堅固而不易脫落,若腎中精氣不足,則牙齒易于松動,甚至早期脫落;腎開竅于二陰(外生殖器和肛門) ,因此,尿頻、遺尿、尿失禁、尿少或尿閉,均與腎的氣化功能失常有關。


Hiding essence of life is the main physiology function of kidney , the essence in kidney is angry , be airframe life activity this , to airframe the physiology activity of each respect all is having all in all effect ; kidney advocate water fluid , basically be the aerification function that the essence in pointing to kidney enrages , to the body fluid inside body be defeated cloth and excrete , maintain the balance that the body fluid inside body metabolizes , the adjustment with rising very important action ; kidney advocate bone gives birth to pith , it is spirit of the energy in kidney has stimulative airframe to grow actually a of growth function main component , the rise and fall that the essence in kidney enrages , affect the growth of bone and growth not only , and the plentiful that also affects spinal cord and encephalon and development ; “ tine is bone “ , tine and bone give one cause together , the tooth also is filled by institute of gas of the energy in kidney raise , spirit of the energy in kidney is abundant , fall off the tooth is solid and not easily , if kidney is medium air of essence of life is inadequate , criterion the tooth becomes loose easily , inchoate even fall off ; kidney have one ' s ideas straightened out at 2 shade ( external genital organs and anal ) , accordingly , frequent micturition , enuresis , urinary incontinence , make water little or anuria , all the aerification function with kidney is wrong about 藏精是腎的主要生理功能,腎中精氣,是機體生命活動之本,對機體各方面的生理活動均起著極其重要的作用;腎主水液,主要是指腎中精氣的氣化功能,對于體內津液的輸布和排泄,維持體內津液代謝的平衡,起著極為重要的調節作用;腎主骨生髓,實際上是腎中精氣具有促進機體生長發育功能的一個重要組成部分,腎中精氣的盛衰,不僅影響骨的生長和發育,而且也影響脊髓和腦髓的充盈和發育; “齒為骨之余” ,齒與骨同出一源,牙齒也由腎中精氣所充養,腎中精氣充沛,則牙齒堅固而不易脫落,若腎中精氣不足,則牙齒易于松動,甚至早期脫落;腎開竅于二陰(外生殖器和肛門) ,因此,尿頻、遺尿、尿失禁、尿少或尿閉,均與腎的氣化功能失常有關。

Conclusions the main cause of death is severe extra - renal complication , the duration of anuria and permanant proteinuria afterwards are the important factor influencing renal damage prognosis 結論急性期死亡的主要原因為嚴重的腎外合并癥;急性期少尿、無尿時間及急性期后持續蛋白尿是影響預后的主要因素。

A 33 - year - old man developed acute hepatitis and renal failure with anuria after ingesting a large overdose of buprenorphine orally 1例33歲男性因過量口服丁丙諾啡叔丁啡后發生急性肝炎、腎衰竭、無尿。

Massive cortical necrosis can result in permanent anuria . 廣泛的皮質壞死能造成永久性無尿。