
antwerp n.安特衛普〔比利時港市〕

“ last year i was in united ' s reserves so going to antwerp is a natural progression as i am playing first - team football in europe , “ he said 他說到: “去年我在曼聯的預備隊中,于是自然被租借到安特衛普。現在我正在參加歐洲的一線隊比賽。

“ i contacted sir alex during pre - season about getting jonny on loan , but a deal with antwerp was done , “ he recalled “我賽季前和弗格森商量過打算租借他,但那個時候安特衛普的協議已經簽了, ”他回憶道。


From london - antwerp trade to atlantic business system , the overseas trade of england went through three historical stages , and established its colonial trade pattern eventually 從最初倫敦與安特衛普之間的呢絨貿易,到17世紀中后期大西洋商業體系的初步形成,英國海外貿易經歷了三個不同的歷史階段,并最終建立了殖民地貿易模式。

D : at that time , belgium was destroyed during the wwi , and because of the lack of time , money and materials , the 1920 olympics in antwerp were not very impressive and not well documented 那時,比利時在一戰中遭到破壞,由于缺乏資金、時間和物資, 1920年在安特衛普舉行的那屆奧運會不是很吸引人,也沒有較好地文獻記載。

Despite antwerp ' s eventual failure to reach the top flight of belgian football , there ' s no question that gibson benefited hugely from his time at the bosuil stadium 雖然一開始飽受惱人的膝傷困擾,但年輕的中場并沒有花費太多的時間在比利時發揮他的作用。他成為了球隊沖擊升級不可或缺的一員。

Evans ' development certainly caught the eye of his boyhood hero roy keane . the sunderland manager snapped up the youngster within days of his antwerp loan ending 埃文斯的進步自然引起了他兒時偶像羅伊基恩的注意。桑德蘭主教練在他結束在安特衛普租借期的幾天內便搶先將他租下。

If you feel you have a closer relationship with your granny on your mother ' s side than on your father ' s side , it is no surprise to researchers at the universities of newcastle and antwerp 如果你覺得自己跟外婆比跟奶奶親,紐卡斯爾和安特衛普大學的研究人員并不會感到驚訝。

Most people visit zoos to see the animals - but visitors to antwerp zoo in belgium are being told not to look at the apes 去動物園的人都愛仔細觀察動物們的表情,但是比利時安特衛普動物園近日卻要求游人不要和猩猩等猿類動物進行長時間的目光交流,因為這會導致它們患上憂郁癥。

The original olympic flag , created by pierre de coubertin and first presented to the mayor of antwerp in 1920 , traveled from olympic city for 68 years 最初那面由皮埃爾-德-顧拜旦創作,并在1920年安特衛普奧運會上呈送給該市市長的奧運會會旗,在奧運會舉辦城市間傳遞了68年。

At the turn of the year , adam was one of five young reds sent to belgian side royal antwerp to gain valuable first team experience and sample foreign culture 在接下來的一年里,為獲取一線隊比賽經驗以及體驗異國文化,亞當做為五名小紅魔之一被租借到比利時球隊安特衛普。

At antwerp , he scored an impressive 35 goals in 61 games . now , having secured a work permit to play in england , he can begin playing competitive matches 在安特衛普他令人印象深刻的在61場比賽里打進了35個球。現在他已經得到了英格蘭勞工證,已經可以為曼聯出戰正式比賽。

Now he is vying for a regular spot in the irish national team , and hoping to impress sir alex ferguson with his performances on loan at royal antwerp 現在他已經在北愛爾蘭國家隊中擁有了一席之地,同時他也在用租借到安特衛普的機會用自己的表現打動著弗格森爵士。

Kolehmainen finished 4th in the 1917 boston marathon , and in 1920 at antwerp , he won the gold medal in the marathon 1907年,科勒邁寧參加了自己的第一個馬拉松賽; 1917年,他獲得波士頓馬拉松賽的第四名; 1920年,他在安特衛普奧運會馬拉松賽上獲得金牌。

Belgium has in antwerp a major diamond centre ; hong kong is the pearl of the orient and a major centre for the export of watches and jewellery 比利時的安特衛普市是世界首屈一指的鉆石中心,香港則享有東方之珠的美譽,是鐘表和珠寶的主要出口中心。

“ last year i was in united ' s reserves so going to antwerp is a natural progression as i am playing first - team football in europe , “ he said 他說到: “去年我在曼聯的預備隊中,于是自然被租借到安特衛普。現在我正在參加歐洲的一線隊比賽。

The new flag made its debut at the 1920 games in antwerp , belfium . it was here that the rings became the official olympic symbol 這面新的旗幟在1920年安特衛普奧運匯上首次亮相,正是從這屆奧運會開始五環成為奧林匹克運動的正式標志。

The 21 - year - old striker signed for united from dalian shide in january 2004 and has since spent two years on loan with belgian side royal antwerp 這位21歲的射手2004年1月從大連實德轉會而來,之后就開始了在安特衛普2年的租借生涯。

He will complete a loan spell at royal antwerp this season , but sir alex is confident it won ' t be long before he is knocking on the first team door 他這個賽季被租借到皇家安頓普特,但弗格森肯定,他要進入一線隊的時間不會太大。

Pierre de coubertin presented the symbol and the flag at the congress in 1914 , and it was first flown at the 1920 antwerp games 顧拜坦在1914年把旗幟和其象徵呈現給委員會,到了1920年比利時安特衛普的奧運會上它才第一次飄揚。