
antrum n.(pl. -tra ) 【解剖學】竇,房。 dent...

4 forty - eight volunteers had two “ jumbo “ biopsies taken from the gastric antrum for examination with rapid urease test , improved giernsa stains and h & e in order to diagnose helicobacter pylori ( hp ) infection and evaluate inflammation of gastric mucosa 448例志愿者均行胃鏡檢查,取胃竇組織活檢,分別行快速尿素酶試驗、改良giemsa染色和病理he染色,以確定有無幽門螺桿菌( helicobacterpylori , hp )感染和胃黏膜有無慢性炎癥。

Normal heart is excited traceable cardiac antrum room knot , antrum room knot is the wrestle since the heart is highest “ headquarters “ 正常的心臟激動起源于心臟的竇房結,竇房結是心臟起搏的最高“司令部” 。


Period , after falling off as a result of the film inside the uterus , make uterine antrum forms a surface , need course of a rehabilitate , in this meantime , body strength of the female is poorer , the motion of intense of unfavorable ginseng aggravate and hard physical labor , lest cause classics blood overmuch , menses is lengthened , damage healthy 經期,由于子宮內膜脫落后使子宮腔形成傷面,需要一個修復過程,在這個其間,女性的身體反抗力比較差,不宜參加劇烈的運動和重體力勞動,以免引起經血過多,月經期延長,損害身體健康。

Before backbone nerve , hind the is highlighted by film of spinal cord stiff backbone and arachnoid bursa more scabbard place when the root walks out of vertebra to be in charge of is wrapped by , call backbone film sleeve , the clearance between two scabbard and arachnoid next antrum are interlinked , nerve root is complete dip in cerebrospinal fluid , from this before , hind two wear film of classics stiff backbone severally , the scabbard that forms for stiff backbone film respectively laps , the fu in two by there is one cranny to call backbone film pocket between putamen , this scabbard is wrapped by hind the backbone ganglion of the root 脊神經前、后根走出椎管時多被脊髓硬脊膜及蛛網膜囊突出的鞘所包被,稱為脊膜袖,兩鞘之間的間隙和蛛網膜下腔相通,神經根完全浸于腦脊液中,自此前、后兩根各自穿經硬脊膜,并分別為硬脊膜形成的鞘包裹,在兩根的覆被硬膜之間有一裂隙稱為脊膜囊,此鞘并包被后根的脊神經節。

The cause that causes cerebral blood - vessel block basically has two kinds : it is a head thrombosis , it is the pathological changes as a result of cerebral blood - vessel itself , often make the film inside tubal antrum coarse because of sclerosis of appearance of cerebral artery congee , be in charge of antrum stricture , below certain condition , if blood pressure is reduced , blood stream is slow , blood sticks consistency heighten , the cruor factor such as plaque , condense inside blood - vessel agglomerate , form cerebral thrombus 引起腦血管阻塞的原因主要有兩種:一是腦血栓形成,它是由于腦血管本身的病變,常因腦動脈粥樣硬化使管腔內膜粗糙,管腔狹窄,在某些條件下,如血壓降低,血流緩慢,血液粘稠度增高,血小板等凝血因子,在血管內凝聚成塊,形成腦血栓。

In inject makings because of no longer the runner material that mix into processes repeatedly into the course , reason product quality can get rising significantly , because gating system is plastic , maintain melt at the same time , loss of the pressure when flow is small , easy implementation is many runner , consequently much model the low pressure of antrum mould and large goods injects 注射料中因不再摻入經過反復加工的澆口料,故產品質量可以得到顯著地提高,同時由于澆注系統塑料保持熔融,流動時壓力損失小,因而輕易實現多澆口、多型腔模具及大型制品的低壓注射。

The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of active immunization against ss on nutrient digestion and metabolism , growth and carcass composition of the growing hu - sheep ; 2 , on the ss secretion in fundus , antrum and pancreas and the ablity of the antibodies to integrate free ss ; 3 , on passage rates of digesta ; 4 , on activities of digestive enzymes in pancreas and digesta ; 4 , on gene expression of gh in pituitary 本項研究內容集中于后者,主要的試驗目的是: 1生長抑素主動免疫對ss進行免疫中和對生長期湖羊生長,營養物的消化,代謝,胴體組成影響; 2對胃竇膜,基底膜和胰腺ss分泌以及ss抗體結合ss的能力影響; 3

4 forty - eight volunteers had two “ jumbo “ biopsies taken from the gastric antrum for examination with rapid urease test , improved giernsa stains and h & e in order to diagnose helicobacter pylori ( hp ) infection and evaluate inflammation of gastric mucosa 448例志愿者均行胃鏡檢查,取胃竇組織活檢,分別行快速尿素酶試驗、改良giemsa染色和病理he染色,以確定有無幽門螺桿菌( helicobacterpylori , hp )感染和胃黏膜有無慢性炎癥。

Supersonic and enchanted the graph still can show main force of left , right coronary artery directly , left before fall , near side of zun xuanwen is carried , do not have local stricture in order to hint antrum of coronary artery canal has , tube wall has without add thick , calcify 超聲心動圖還可直接顯示左、右冠狀動脈主干,左前降支,左旋文的近側端,以提示冠狀動脈管腔有無局部狹窄,管壁有無增厚、鈣化。

In addition , to accepting the patient that via leather classics antrum tactics of coronary artery figuration fails , if produce durative bosom painful or hair heart ' s - blood flow is mechanical and flabby calm , also should consider to undertake urgent the art that build the bridge 此外,對于接受經皮經腔冠狀動脈成形術失敗的病人,如發生持續性胸痛或發生血流動力學不穩定,也應考慮進行緊急搭橋術。

It is sclerosis of appearance of congee of cerebral ministry artery and thrombosis , make antrum of cerebral blood - vessel canal narrow or out - of - the - way , bring about acute head to offer hematic inadequacy , cause local brain tissue to be short of courage and uprightness necrotic 是腦部動脈粥樣硬化和血栓形成,使腦血管管腔狹窄或閉塞,導致急性腦供血不足,引起局部腦組織缺血性壞死。

The results were as follows . the tissue of plants in narcissus l . having air antrum and dental antrum or not , their distribution , the arrangement mode and number of vascular bundles among different materials were different 結果表明,葉片中氣腔、花梗中髓腔的存在與否以及分布情況、維管束的排列方式及其數目在不同材料間存在較大差異。

Articulatory antrum accumulates blood to often also be one of this ill features , reach gambrel with genu the commonnest , acute period joint is swollen , painful , hot , constant but by accident examine is acute arthritis 關節腔積血亦常為本病特征之一,以膝及踝關節最常見,急性期關節腫、痛、熱,常可誤診為急性關節炎。

Results the secretion of gastric antrum mucosa growth inhibition is significantly more in the cases with sthenia - syndrome than in the cases with asthenia - syndrome and the control group 結果以實證為主的胃脘痛患者血清、胃竇黏膜生長抑素的分泌量顯著高于虛證患者及對照組,胃陰不足和脾胃虛竇型則明顯下降。

Normal heart is excited traceable cardiac antrum room knot , antrum room knot is the wrestle since the heart is highest “ headquarters “ 正常的心臟激動起源于心臟的竇房結,竇房結是心臟起搏的最高“司令部” 。

The double pylorus is a rare condition consisting of fistulous communication between the gastric antrum and the duodenum 摘要雙幽門是一種較少見的情形,是由胃之前庭與十二指腸之間因?管形成溝通所組成。

Some narcissus had air antrum and dental antrum . there were 2 - 3 layers of vascular bundles in the leaf and pedicel tissue 水仙的葉肉組織中的維管束一般呈2 - 3排狀排列,有些材料具氣腔。

The leaf and pedicel of type - one , four and five had no air antrum and dental antrum 類型1 、 4和5的葉片和花梗無氣腔、髓腔。

Temperature system of automatic regulation in screw antrum of plastic injection molding machine 注塑機螺桿腔溫度自動調節系統