
antonym n.反義詞 (opp. synonym)。 ‘Bad' ...

In this paper , taking words of synonyms and antonyms in “ wu yue chun qiu “ as a research subject , the author , with a scientific method of synchronic description , diachronic comparison , combining statistics and analysis , reveals the linguistic characteristics of “ wu yue chun qiu “ , and makes clear that it has corpus linguistic value and occupies an important position in chinese language evolving history 以《吳越春秋》中的同義詞與反義詞為研究對象,運用共時描寫與歷時比較、統計與分析相結合的科學方法,揭示了《吳越春秋》的語言特色,肯定了其重要的語料價值和在漢語史上的地位。

The author use the “ method of link “ and the “ method of reference “ to find the antonyms in sunzi , and fin there are seven forms of appearance 摘要通過系聯法和參照法的方法來尋找《孫子兵法》中的反義詞,發現《孫子兵法》中的反義詞有七種。

“ pain “ is the antonym of “ pleasure “ . 痛苦是愉快的反義詞。


In this paper , taking words of synonyms and antonyms in “ wu yue chun qiu “ as a research subject , the author , with a scientific method of synchronic description , diachronic comparison , combining statistics and analysis , reveals the linguistic characteristics of “ wu yue chun qiu “ , and makes clear that it has corpus linguistic value and occupies an important position in chinese language evolving history 以《吳越春秋》中的同義詞與反義詞為研究對象,運用共時描寫與歷時比較、統計與分析相結合的科學方法,揭示了《吳越春秋》的語言特色,肯定了其重要的語料價值和在漢語史上的地位。

On the basis of the previous classification on lexical reiteration made by linguists , this paper tries to study these lexical devices : repetition , synonymy , antonym , general word , hyponymy , and metonymy 本文在綜合各種詞匯復現分類的基礎上,深入探討了重復、同義、反義、泛指詞、上下義、整體一部分、等詞匯復現方式,主要分析他們在語篇中的各種交際功能和文體功能。

The markedness theory has proved useful to the teaching of russian as regards antonyms , the masculine / feminine gender of animate nouns , the full and short form adjectives , tenses of verbs and word order 在俄語詞匯與語法教學中,標記理論對于部分反義詞、動物名詞的陽性和陰性、長尾及短尾形容詞、動詞的時間以及句子的詞序等內容的教學有一定的指導作用。

But is to pass the certain clues or according to the 構 phrase method , together the righteousness phrase , antonym , wait to relate to together , the cause and effect relation , or the context allusion figure out the phrase righteousness 而是可以通過一定線索或根據構詞法,同義詞,反義詞,等同關系,因果關系,或上下文暗示猜出詞義。

Language is evolving constantly , so the polymerizations between synonyms and antonyms are the same , compared with the grammar characteristic from the same historical phase 由于語言在不斷發展演變,因此,這種反義詞的聚合和同義詞的聚合一樣,是在共時的平面上而言。

A pair of complementary antonyms is characterized by the feature that the denial of one member of the pair implies the assertion of the other 互補反義詞具有這樣的特征,否定其中一個就意味著肯定另一個。也就是說,是一個非此即彼、非彼即此的問題。

Using jadt , applications written in the java language have access to definitions , pronunciations , synonyms , antonyms , and so on for a particular word 使用jadt ,用java語言編寫的應用程序就可以訪問某個具體單詞的定義、發音、同義詞、反義詞等信息。

Some antonyms are gradable because there are often intermediate forms between the two members of a pair . so it is a matter of degree 一些反義詞是級別上的對立,因為一對這樣的反義詞中間常有其它表示程度的詞。意義相反實際上只是程度問題。

The author use the “ method of link “ and the “ method of reference “ to find the antonyms in sunzi , and fin there are seven forms of appearance 摘要通過系聯法和參照法的方法來尋找《孫子兵法》中的反義詞,發現《孫子兵法》中的反義詞有七種。

The current version of jadt provides interfaces to implement synonyms , antonyms , hypernyms , hyponyms , holonyms , and meronyms , as discussed in Jadt的當前版本提供了實現同義詞、反義詞、上位詞、下位詞、整體名詞、部分名詞的接口,我們在

According to the different polymerization of word meanings , words can be distinguished as synonyms and antonyms 摘要根據詞的意義聚合關系的不同,詞有同義與反又之別。

The term antonymy is used for oppositeness of meaning , words that are opposite in meaning are antonyms 反義關系用以指意義的相反。意義上相反的詞叫反義詞。

You can check if words are antonyms or you can find all the antonyms of the word ,您可以檢查單詞是否意義相反,也可以找到單詞的所有反義詞。

The thesaurus displays the synonyms and antonyms for individual words 同義詞庫可以顯示一個單詞的同義詞和反義詞。

Is used to get the antonyms 用來取得反義詞。

Plaintiff is an antonym of defendant 原告是被告的反義字。