
antonio n.安東尼奧〔男子名, Ant(h)ony 的異體〕。


P : then shylock must be merciful . he must have mercy on antonio 那么夏洛克必須很仁慈,他必須寬恕你。

Sacpa - san antonio chinese professionals association - news links Sacpa -圣安東尼奧華裔專業協會- news

San antonio ? the 2005 finals have been a tale of two stoppers 今年的總決賽上演著兩個終結者的故事。

He s as bad as old antonio . he left me on my ownio . pirouette 他壞得像老安東尼奧,撇下了我孤苦伶仃

Sacpa - san antonio chinese professionals association - weather Sacpa -圣安東尼奧華裔專業協會- weather

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A brief discourse on antonio and shylock 論安東尼奧與夏洛克

Mm52 . com : antonio banderas photos gallery , free download 安東尼奧班德拉斯照片免費下載@ cn . mm52 . com

Then shylock must be merciful . he must have mercy on antonio 那么夏洛克必須很仁慈,他必須寬恕你。

Its hq is in the san antonio international airport 晚餐則提供大家有進一步的多向交流及討論的機會。

High in the kab lighthouse on antonio island .開始一天的工作

When was the last time the rockets won twice in san antonio 上次火箭兩勝馬刺是什么時候的事情了?

Sacpa - san antonio chinese professionals association - photo Sacpa -圣安東尼奧華裔專業協會- photo

Ac milan are interested in udinese striker antonio di natale 米蘭對烏迪內斯前鋒迪納塔萊感興趣。

Outta some neutral place like san antonio , or somethin ' 來自中立地區比如圣安東奧,或者其他. .

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Do you wish to say anything , antonio 你還想說什么嗎,安東尼奧?

The san antonio area is deluged with rain 圣安東尼市被大雨淹沒。