
antonia n.安東尼婭〔女子名〕。

She was somewhat beautiful , and exquisitely formed - a little fairy - like figure , with large curls falling on her neck , which was rather too long , as perugino sometimes makes his virgins , and her eyes dull from fatigue . she was said to have a weak chest , and like antonia in the “ cremona violin , “ she would die one day while singing 她多少有幾分姿色,非常文雅身材還算不錯,只是偏瘦了一點,大綹鬈發垂到她的脖子上那脖子有點太長了,好象庇魯杰諾所雕塑的某些仙女一樣,眼睛懶散無神。

2003 antonia chao , 2003 , “ an emerging social movement : citizenship , mainland brides , and old soldiers in contemporary taiwan “ . paper delievered at the 2nd global conference : transformations 8 - 10 december , vienna , austria 2003趙彥寧2003現代性想像、跨國遷移、國境管理:以中國婚姻移民女性為研究案例。論文發表于意識認同實踐: 2003年女性主義學術研討會,清華大學教育館, 9月27 - 28日。

2003 antonia chao , 2003 , “ gender politics of cultural citizenship : a case study of marriage between mainland brides and glorious citizens in taiwan “ . annual meeting for cultural studies association of australia . january 3 - 5 2002 《公民身分、國族主義與親密生活:以老榮民與大陸新娘的婚姻為例》 。發表于重訪東亞:全球、區域、國家、公民文化研究學會年會, 12月14 - 15日。

“ so you ' re goin ' to marry antonia dennant ? “ said a voice on his right , with that easy coarseness which is a mark of caste “原來你就要跟安東妮亞丹南特結婚啦? ”他右邊的一個聲音說,音調中夾雜著已經成為階級標志的一種脫口而出的粗俗意味。

2004 antonia chao , 2004 , “ an emerging social movement : citizenship , mainland brides , and old soldiers in contemporary taiwan “ 2003趙彥寧2003種族歧視后的社福資源分配邏輯:以大陸配偶的國境管理為研究案例。

“so you're goin' to marry antonia dennant?“ said a voice on his right, with that easy coarseness which is a mark of caste . “原來你就要跟安東妮亞丹南特結婚啦?”他右邊的一個聲音說,音調中夾雜著已經成為階級標志的一種脫口而出的粗俗意味。


She was somewhat beautiful , and exquisitely formed - a little fairy - like figure , with large curls falling on her neck , which was rather too long , as perugino sometimes makes his virgins , and her eyes dull from fatigue . she was said to have a weak chest , and like antonia in the “ cremona violin , “ she would die one day while singing 她多少有幾分姿色,非常文雅身材還算不錯,只是偏瘦了一點,大綹鬈發垂到她的脖子上那脖子有點太長了,好象庇魯杰諾所雕塑的某些仙女一樣,眼睛懶散無神。

2003 antonia chao , 2003 , “ an emerging social movement : citizenship , mainland brides , and old soldiers in contemporary taiwan “ . paper delievered at the 2nd global conference : transformations 8 - 10 december , vienna , austria 2003趙彥寧2003現代性想像、跨國遷移、國境管理:以中國婚姻移民女性為研究案例。論文發表于意識認同實踐: 2003年女性主義學術研討會,清華大學教育館, 9月27 - 28日。

Character juxtaposition finds its full expression in willa cather ' s my antonia in various forms , such as the juxtaposition between the main characters ( antonia and jim ) the main and secondary characters , and the images of the main character ( antonia ) herself 凱瑟在小說《我的安東妮亞》中大量地使用人物并置對照法,其中包括主要人物之間、主要人物與次要人物之間以及主要人物自身的并置對照。

2003 antonia chao , 2003 , “ gender politics of cultural citizenship : a case study of marriage between mainland brides and glorious citizens in taiwan “ . annual meeting for cultural studies association of australia . january 3 - 5 2002 《公民身分、國族主義與親密生活:以老榮民與大陸新娘的婚姻為例》 。發表于重訪東亞:全球、區域、國家、公民文化研究學會年會, 12月14 - 15日。

Antonia , a tribal elder in ecuador , on fight by indigenous indians to fend off international energy companies that are moving into amazon basin to tap some of last untouched oil and natural gas reserves 厄瓜多爾某部落長者安東尼奧和土著印第安人一起反對一些國際能源公司進入亞馬遜盆地開發最后的石油和天然氣資源。

The overlord and queen antonia have both cracked down on recent vendor practices of falsely advertising their wares to be better than they are once equipped 霸王和安東尼亞女王下令嚴懲某些違反公平交易法的商人,先前那些商人手中的某些貨品價格超出應有的品質水準。

“ so you ' re goin ' to marry antonia dennant ? “ said a voice on his right , with that easy coarseness which is a mark of caste “原來你就要跟安東妮亞丹南特結婚啦? ”他右邊的一個聲音說,音調中夾雜著已經成為階級標志的一種脫口而出的粗俗意味。

The tradeskill societies have petitioned queen antonia and the overlord to allow them to keep their workshops open and they are now back open for business 交易技能工聯向安東尼亞女王以及路坎霸主請愿,兩人同意重新讓工聯上路進行貿易。

2004 antonia chao , 2004 , “ an emerging social movement : citizenship , mainland brides , and old soldiers in contemporary taiwan “ 2003趙彥寧2003種族歧視后的社福資源分配邏輯:以大陸配偶的國境管理為研究案例。

Miss antonia y . h 楊如虹小姐

I ' d like to introduceyou to antonia cook . she ' s the new head ofthe film society 史蒂夫,我來介紹一下,托恩扣奇電影界的后起之秀

Antonia : this is no time for schopenhauer . this is important 沒有時間留給叔本華了。這很重要。

Shelton went back with them to their hotel, walking beside antonia through the christchurch meadows, telling her details of his college life . 謝爾頓跟他們一起回到他們的旅館去,走在安東尼亞身旁,穿過基督教堂的草地,瑣瑣碎碎地把他的大學生活告訴她。