
anton n.安東〔男子名, Ant(h)ony 的異體〕。

“ she ' s ok . she ' s fine , “ pageant representative lark anton said . “ it ' s very hot up here . her dress is tight - - as you could see it was beaded ( 5 ) and heavy . she passed out ( 6 ) . 大賽代表拉卡?安頓說: “她很好,沒事。這里太熱了。她的裙子很緊,而且如你們所見,上面還綴滿了珠子,太沉了。她暈過去了。 ”

Anton said mendoza “ had plenty to eat today , “ when pressed for the beauty queen ' s condition before she fainted at the center of the stage 她暈過去了。 ”當被追問美麗女王曼朵扎在舞臺中心暈倒前的狀況時,安頓說她“今天吃了足夠的食物。 ”

“ we can ' t be sure how the victims were infected by poultry around their house , but there is definitely a link , “ anton told reporters 我們不能確定,這些罹難者是不是真的遭到住家附近的家禽所感染,不過這絕對有所關聯,安東告訴記者。

Anton said mendoza “ had plenty to eat today , “ when pressed for ( 7 ) the beauty queen ' s condition before she fainted at the center of the stage 當被追問美麗女王曼朵扎在舞臺中心暈倒前的狀況時,安頓說她“今天吃了足夠的食物。 ”

Lorelai : “ i ' m sorry . dad , how do you mix up anton and sophia ? 爸爸,我插一句。你怎么會搞錯安東和索非亞?

Anton : no worries . we “ ll soon knock your cv into shape 別擔心,我們馬上就能讓你的簡歷初具雛形。

She ' s fine , “ pageant representative lark anton said 大賽代表拉卡安頓說: “她很好,沒事。


Four tough games to test any lingering injuries . the uruguay game is the last opportunity for experiment before the world cup squad is announced on 15 may , and the faint hopes of anton ferdinand , joey barton , nigel reo - coker and kevin nolan have effectively been dashed 截止到上周末利物浦同埃弗頓隊的比賽,利物浦隊中場球員杰拉德在本賽季已經一共踢了46場球,而本周同烏拉圭隊的熱身賽將是他的第47場比賽。

French judge marie - reine le gougne sparked one of the biggest controversies in olympic skating history when she cast a crucial vote in favor of russians elena berezhnaya and anton sikharulidze over canadians jamie sale and david pelletier 法國裁判瑪麗瑞尼?勒?龔聶把關鍵的一票投給了俄國的艾里娜?伯雷斯娜亞和安東?司哈茹利茨,而不是加拿大的吉米?薩勒和大衛?佩樂緹業,這引起了冬奧會滑冰歷史上最大的爭議。

Micah richards and anton ferdinand both alleged they were called “ monkeys ” by opposition players at the bayarena during the second leg of their qualification play - off , which england won 2 - 0 through late goals from substitute theo walcott 據指英格蘭的理查茲及安頓費迪南德被對手譏為“猴子” ,而英格蘭憑沃爾科特替補上場連中兩元,兩回合以3 - 0在附加賽勝出,晉身下年的決賽周。

Anton : how is portugal making euro 2004 different to other big football tournaments ? what i mean is how have the portuguese give it a portuguese flavour , what has been done differently 與其它大型錦標賽相比,葡萄牙舉辦的2004年歐錦賽有什么不同之處?我的意思是,葡萄牙人是如何使其具有葡萄牙特色的,有什么特殊的舉措嗎?

“ she ' s ok . she ' s fine , “ pageant representative lark anton said . “ it ' s very hot up here . her dress is tight - - as you could see it was beaded ( 5 ) and heavy . she passed out ( 6 ) . 大賽代表拉卡?安頓說: “她很好,沒事。這里太熱了。她的裙子很緊,而且如你們所見,上面還綴滿了珠子,太沉了。她暈過去了。 ”

Anton b chele , who is responsible for environment and safety at man roland , and his team were delighted to receive the award which acknowledges the company ' s high industrial safety standards 負責曼羅蘭環境和安全事務的安東尼布克勒和他的團隊非常高興地接受了這一標志著公司工業安全高標準的獎項。

The anton paar 4 - bottle scrubber provides environmentally benign and efficient washing and neutralization of reagent vapors from microwave or conventionally heated evaporation processes 安東帕四瓶式酸霧清洗器提供環境友好的有效清洗,并且能夠中和微波消解過程中或傳統加熱蒸發過程中的試劑蒸汽。

They will be boosted by the return from suspension of newcastle ' s steven taylor , while the west ham defender anton ferdinand is expected to have recovered from a groin injury 他們應該會因為被禁賽的紐卡后衛斯蒂文.泰勒的回歸而受到鼓舞。西漢姆后衛安頓.費迪南德應該也可以從腹股溝的傷病中恢復。

Composers such as anton von webern , elliot carter , edgard var se , milton babbitt , and luciano berio have devoted followings within the avant - garde , but are often attacked outside of it 例如魏本、卡特、瓦瑞斯、米爾頓?巴比特等人對前衛領域有重要貢獻,但是,在此領域外就常常被攻擊。

He beat reds team - mate cristiano ronaldo , arsenal ' s cesc fabregas , tottenham ' s aaron lennon , charlton ' s darren bent and west ham ' s anton ferdinand to the honour 他擊敗了曼聯隊友羅納爾多、阿森納的法布雷加斯、熱刺的列農、查爾頓的達倫-本特和西漢姆的小費迪南德。

Similarly , when working with the record describing the orderid 10507 , you can navigate up the relation object to get the record for its parent , anton 類似地,當使用描述orderid 10507的記錄時,可以向上定位關系對象以獲取其父級( anton )的記錄。

Anton said mendoza “ had plenty to eat today , “ when pressed for the beauty queen ' s condition before she fainted at the center of the stage 她暈過去了。 ”當被追問美麗女王曼朵扎在舞臺中心暈倒前的狀況時,安頓說她“今天吃了足夠的食物。 ”