
antoinette n.安托萬內特〔女子名, Antonia 的昵稱〕。

“ few are round and few are a lovely color , so this is rare , “ said gemologist antoinette matlins . “ i think they have found something precious and lovely and valuable . “很少有圓形的珍珠而且色彩還這么好,所以它很珍貴, ”寶石專家安托瓦內特?馬丁說, “我想他們找到了一顆美麗、珍貴、而且很值錢的珍珠。 ”

Over the last 209 years , the “ observer “ has covered events ranging from the beheading of marie antoinette in 1793 to the recent american election 過去209年觀察報報導過許多事件,從1793年法國路易十六皇后瑪麗安唐妮給斬首事件到最近的美國大選不等。

“ antoinette is very well , “ he said , “ and madeleine tolerably so “安妥妮蒂很好, ”他說, “梅蒂蘭也還算好。


The film is based on the book marie antoinette : the journey by antonia fraser . oscar winner sofia coppola brings to the screen a fresh interpretation of the life of france s legendary teenage queen marie antoinette . betrothed to king louis xvi jason schwartzman , the naive marie antoinette kirsten dunst at the age of 14 , she is thrown into the opulent french court which is steeped in conspiracy and scandal 電影根據名作家安東妮雅費莎antonia fraser的著作marie antoinette : the journey改編,安東妮雅為讓我們重新認識這位聲名狼藉的法國皇后,用一個全新的角度軸視這位歷史上備受誤解的傳奇女性。

A vertical piano cadby with exposed keyboard , its closed coffin supporting a pair of long yellow ladies gloves and an emerald ashtray containing four consumed matches , a partly consumed cigarette and two discoloured ends of cigarettes , its musicrest supporting the music in the key of g natural for voice and piano of love s old sweet song words by g . clifton bingham , composed by j . l . molloy , sung by madam antoinette sterling open at the last page with the final indications ad libitum , forte , pedal , animato , sustained , pedal , ritirando , close 一架立式鋼琴凱德拜牌205 ,鍵盤露在外面。上頂蓋關得嚴嚴實實,擺著一雙淡黃色婦女用長手套,一只鮮綠色煙灰缸里是四根燃盡了的火柴,一根吸過一截的香煙,還有兩截變了色的煙蒂。譜架上斜搭著一本古老甜蜜的情歌g .克利夫頓賓厄姆作詞,詹萊莫洛伊配曲,安托瓦內特斯特林206夫人演唱g大調歌曲

The film is based on the book marie antoinette : the journey by antonia fraser . oscar winner sofia coppola brings to the screen a fresh interpretation o . . 電影根據名作家安東妮雅費莎antonia fraser的著作marie antoinette : the journey改編,安東妮雅為讓我們重新認識這位聲名狼藉的法國皇后,用一個全新的角? .

“ few are round and few are a lovely color , so this is rare , “ said gemologist antoinette matlins . “ i think they have found something precious and lovely and valuable . “很少有圓形的珍珠而且色彩還這么好,所以它很珍貴, ”寶石專家安托瓦內特?馬丁說, “我想他們找到了一顆美麗、珍貴、而且很值錢的珍珠。 ”

Marie antoinette is merely a pawn in an arranged marriage meant to solidify the harmony between two nations . her teenage husband , the dauphin louis jason schwartzman , is heir to the french throne 奧地利公主瑪麗姬絲汀登絲飾演以14歲的幼遠嫁到法國為太子妃,至此陷入了充滿爭奪欲望孤獨的生活中。

Over the last 209 years , the “ observer “ has covered events ranging from the beheading of marie antoinette in 1793 to the recent american election 過去209年觀察報報導過許多事件,從1793年法國路易十六皇后瑪麗安唐妮給斬首事件到最近的美國大選不等。

Said by : queen marie antoinette after she accidentally stepped on the foot of her executioner as she went to the guillotine 出自:瑪麗?安托瓦內特王后,她上斷頭臺的時候,不小心踩了劊子手一腳。

Not actually foreign born like alexandra and marie antoinette , the madamissimo was nevertheless somewhat of an alien among her own people 她在美國受的教育,完全是美國中上層婦女的派頭。

Madeleine was the daughter of m . d avrigny , and antoinette his niece . m . d avrigny smiled sadly 梅蒂蘭是阿夫里尼先生的女兒,安妥妮蒂是他的侄女。

The antoinette floated on the water until latham was picked up by a ship “安特瓦特”號飛機在海上漂浮,后來有船經過,萊瑟姆方才獲救。

In 1793 , during the french revolution , queen marie antoinette was beheaded 在1793年,在法國革命期間,瑪莉安托瓦內特皇后被斬首。

He , too , arrived near calais on the same day with a new antoinette 同一天,他駕駛一架新的“安特瓦特”號飛機來到了加來附近。

“ antoinette is very well , “ he said , “ and madeleine tolerably so “安妥妮蒂很好, ”他說, “梅蒂蘭也還算好。

Queen marie antoinette of france was the wife of louis the 16th 法國瑪麗安東妮皇后是路易十六的妻子。

But , first of all , how are madeleine and antoinette ? 但先告訴我,梅蒂蘭和安妥妮蒂可好嗎? ”

Antoinette will take care of this for you , 安托瓦內特會為你處理此事