
antler n.多叉鹿角。

Santa ' s new hard hat has been decorated with red reindeer antlers to “ christmas it up a bit , “ he added 他說,為了“烘托圣誕氣氛” ,他們在圣誕老人的新頭盔上裝上了紅色的馴鹿角。


Santa ' s new hard hat has been decorated with red reindeer antlers to “ christmas it up a bit , “ he added 他說,為了“烘托圣誕氣氛” ,他們在圣誕老人的新頭盔上裝上了紅色的馴鹿角。

Velvet antler ' s relationship to recovery from traumatic injury could possibly explain its effectiveness against arthritis 鹿茸幫助創傷愈合的關系也可以解釋對痛風的防治效果。

But the antler hunting sword has a good quality . the rigidity , tartness and preservation are not bad 不過那把鹿角獵刀得品質就很不錯得說。硬度、鋒利度和保持性都非常得不錯。

In the past , deer were killed for their antlers , which were used as medicine by the chinese people 從前,鹿因為?們的角而受到獵殺,這些鹿角常被中國人拿來做藥材。

Recently , there has been a renewed interest both in the east and west concerning the effect of velvet antler 最近在東西方國家對鹿茸的功效研究又有了新的進展。

Purification and characterization of a protein from pilose antler and its proliferative effects on mdck cells 鹿茸中促腎上皮細胞增殖蛋白的分離純化與表征

Found in the atlantic , this antler - like formation support groups of red - coloured juvenile shrimp 這些在大西洋的鹿角形結構,是紅色幼蝦的育嬰所。

Parents also give their children supplements , such as deer antler and ginseng extracts 家長也不忘給孩子們進補,讓他們吃鹿茸、人參精華等營養品。

This interest has developed into modern research investigating the pharmacology of velvet antler 這一興趣發展了對鹿茸的藥用價值研究和調查。

This mechanism can be explained by velvet antler ' s ability to enhance glycosis to nerve tissue 因為鹿茸具有提高神經組織糖解作用的機理。

Cleo ( v . o . ) : so the beautiful princess did her magic antlers - off - your - head dance 美麗的公主跳起了有魔力的舞蹈,能去掉頭頂上鹿角的舞蹈。

I have antlers 我長了鹿角

The antler is a bone tissue which can be regenerated postnatally annually 摘要鹿茸角是雄鹿(馴鹿除外)一種后天可逐年再生的骨組織。

The modulation of pilose antler extract on the proliferation of rat osteogenic cells umr 鹿茸粗提液對大鼠成骨肉瘤細胞增殖的調節作用

Antler with assorted meat 豆皮肉卷

Velvet antler is a popular tonic that has been used mainly in the orient for centuries 鹿茸是流行于東方幾千年的滋補保健品。

Bez antler bayantler 鹿角的第二枝

Lionel : ah - choo ! oh , oh , man , i wish i could sneeze these antlers off 啊!哦,伙計,我希望打個噴嚏能把這些鹿角弄下來。