
antiwar adj.反戰的。


Cindy sheehan , an antiwar activist , has even compared her to talk - radio ' s rush limbaugh 辛迪?希恩,一位反戰活動家,甚至把她比作廣播電臺主持人拉什?林堡。

On the ways the american government treated the youth antiwar thought in 1960s and their implications 20世紀60年代美國政府應對青年反戰思潮的方式及其啟示

From protest to resistance : evolution of the american peaceful antiwar movement in the 1960s to 1970s 20世紀六七十年代美國和平反戰運動的演進

I was aware, of course, of the pervasive sense of beleaguerment that resulted from a combination of the president's personality and the violent, occasionally extralegal assault of the antiwar critics . 由于總統本人的個性,再加上反戰分子發動的猛烈的,有時甚至是違法的攻擊,造成了一種四面受敵的氣氛。對于這一點,我當然是了解的。

Hoover had bugged congressmen, as well as nonviolent civil right and antiwar protestors . 胡佛曾竊聽過國會議員以及維護公民權利和反戰的非暴力人士的談話內容。

He predicted that antiwar passions were just beginning to heat up . 他預料反戰情緒只是剛剛開始變得激烈起來。