
antiviral adj.【醫學】抗病毒的。

Antiviral : literally “ against - virus “ - - any medicine capable of destroying or weakening a virus 抗病毒藥:字面意思“抵抗-病毒“ - -任何可殺滅或抑制病毒的藥。


We will continue our efforts to prevent the outbreak of avian influenza and have begun stockpiling antivirals 我們會繼續嚴格執行監控及預防的工作,并正儲備抗流感藥,嚴防禽流感在香港爆發。

The uk government is currently expanding its stockpile of antiviral drugs against the contingency of a flu pandemic 英國政府目前已經為應對可能出現的流感大爆發而增加了抗病毒藥物的儲存量。

Antiviral drugs can be used for treatment and prophylaxis for ordinary influenza . the drugs need to be prescribed by doctors 抗病毒藥物可用來治療及預防普通流感,須要由醫生處方才可服用。

As with seasonal influenza , the principal defences against a new pandemic influenza strain are vaccination and antiviral drugs 與季節性流感一樣,新流感大流行的預防有免疫接種和抗流感藥。

If it reaches the site of an outbreak quickly , an antiviral stockpile could especially help people in poorer countries 如迅速運到暴發地點,抗病毒藥物儲存可尤其幫助較貧窮國家的人民。

The room should be cleaned by staff wearing ppe using a broad spectrum disinfectant of proven antiviral activity 房間應由穿戴個人防護裝備的工作人員以具抗病毒效用的廣效殺菌劑清潔。

They should receive antiviral treatment to reduce infectivity and to prevent further progression of liver disease 他們應該接受抗病毒治療以減少病毒活動和阻止肝病的進一步進展。

General guide to doctors : antiviral use for novel influenza treatment and prophylaxis august 2006 應用抗病毒藥物治療及預防新型流感:給醫生的一般指引只備英文版二零零六年八月

Guide to enterprises for influenza pandemic preparedness - antiviral stockpiling make sure the trap is not dry avian influenza 供企業參考的流感大流行防備指引-抗病毒藥物的儲備

It doesn ' t cause more serious disease than regular strains , and can be treated with other antivirals 這類病毒不會比一般病毒株造成更嚴重的癥狀,也能以其他抗病毒藥物治療。

Combination of lamivudine with other antiviral agents or immune modulators is likely to be more effective 拉米夫啶和其他抗病毒藥物或免疫調節劑聯合使用看起來似乎更有效。

Raising the antiviral stockpile level to more than 20 million capsules would cost about $ 254 million 增加抗病毒藥物的儲備量至超過二千萬粒,需動用約二億五千四百萬元。

The subversion strategies may be the targets of antiviral therapy and therefore well worth exploring 病毒免疫逃避的機制也可能是我們尋求有效的抗病毒治療的靶點。

The stockpiling of antiviral drugs includes both oseltamivir tamiflu and zanamivir relenza 現時儲存的抗病毒藥物包括奧司他韋即特敏福及扎那米偉樂感清。

Antiviral : literally “ against - virus “ - - any medicine capable of destroying or weakening a virus 抗病毒藥:字面意思“抵抗-病毒“ - -任何可殺滅或抑制病毒的藥。

Electron microscopic observation on the function of the antiviral capsule of traditional medicines on herpes simplex virus 型單純皰疹病毒作用的電鏡觀察

We will continue to liaise with the pharmaceutical company for an early delivery of the antiviral drugs ?生署會繼續與藥廠磋商,望能更早付運藥物。

Clevudine is a pyrimidine analogue with potent and sustained antiviral activity against hbv 克來夫定為嘧啶類似物,對hbv具有持續有效的抗病毒活性。