
antivenin n.抗蛇毒素。


Bitter melon can clear stomach heat and boost eyesight . perhaps the best substantiated use today is that of bitter melon for people with diabetes mellitus . other properties and actions documented by traditional use are antifungal , antiparasitic , antivenin , bitter , cardiotonic tones , balances , strengthens the heart , digestive stimulant , emetic causes vomiting , menstrual stimulator , purgative strong laxative , vermifuge expels worms 苦瓜含豐富的維他命c葉酸鉀及維他命b雜,另有鉻chromium及一種類似胰島素的植物蛋白質,能增強胰島素功能,有降血糖和有助促進血液中糖份進入細胞的功效,加快能量使用,預防糖尿病,可以幫助血糖的控制,抑制脂肪的分解還有獨特的蛋白質,具有抗病毒的作用等等。

Widow spider antivenin 抗蛛毒血清

No antivenin was necessary in this series . 在這一組中不需抗蛇毒素。