
antitype n.1.模型[典型]所代表的原型,象征所代表的事物。2....


Abstract : the article retr - ospects to the history origin and evolving course of building built on stilts , explounds how the natural environment , society objective conditions and human cultures have affected them when they came into being and developed , probes into the isomorphic relation between the buildings and the antitype , and analyses the characteristics , the forms , the significances to apply and the values to popularize , as far as the philosophic sense is concerned 文摘:文章追溯了干欄建筑的歷史淵源和演變歷程,探討了自然環境、社會客觀條件、人文因素對干欄形式的產生和發展的影響;探討底層架空現象和干欄形式的同構關系,在哲學意義上分析底層架空形式的特征、形式、應用意義和推廣價值。

My project is to research and devise a enterprise scm software system , that based the two grades and four libraries ( department development library , department controlled library , department development library , enterprise controlled library , enterprise product library ) , and use the jbcm which was devised by the beijing beida software engineering co . , ltd . as the antitype . we call it cmis 本課題就是以中國電子科技集團公司第十研究所為需求方,以北大軟件配置管理工具軟件jbcm為原型,進行二次開發,研制一套基于兩級四庫(即部門開發庫、部門受控庫、企業受控庫和企業產品庫)模式下的企業級軟件配置管理系統( cmis ) 。

We use artificial immune principles to design a novel antibody network which based on the immune algorithm and neural network , and use these as in - depth research of the application of our achievement to engineering . in this paper , we built the novel antibody network which based on the two intelligence algorithms and reach the application of its use in the intrusion detection system . furthermore we create an ideal antitype system from it 本課題以人工免疫系統和神經網絡為研究對象,并依托四川省科技廳基礎項目“智能入侵檢測系統的關鍵技術研究” (項目編號: 04jy029 - 017 - 1 ) ,將人工免疫原理和神經網絡技術相結合,提出了應用于入侵檢測系統的新型抗體網絡,為該項目在工程領域中的進一步研究、應用提供理論依據

In this article i do a lot of analysis for the data formed in the mobile samples with the basis of the research of data mining , mainly including : it analyses and summarizes the theory and technology of data , especially the further discussion of the data mining algorithm for time sequential . it introduces the course of the test curve of the power transmission system of electric mobile and discusses the technology and methods of pretreatment for curve data . it studies and develops the antitype system for the analyses of test curve data of the power transmission system of electric mobile with the mining and analysis of test curve data of the power transmission system of electric mobile and the basis of the algorithm of time sequential 本文以目前數據挖掘的研究為基礎,對汽車樣品試驗中形成的大量數據進行分析處理,主要研究內容包括:分析和綜述了數據挖掘理論基礎和相關技術,特別是對時間序列挖掘算法進行了深入的討論介紹了電動汽車動力傳動系統檢測曲線生成的基本過程,討論了曲線數據的預處理技術與方法以時間序列挖掘算法為基礎,對電動汽車動力傳動系統檢測曲線數據進行了挖掘與分析,研究并開發了電動汽車動力傳動系統檢測曲線數據分析原型系統。

This paper aims at deep research of network device performance assessment method based on simple network management protocol ( snmp ) and eetf ' s rfc2544 . a distributed antitype assessment system with this function is provided , and a test is performed with this system . some items will be discussed here 本文以簡單網絡管理協議( snmp )和ietf的rfc2544等為基礎,深入研究了網絡設備性能測試的方法,給出了分布式測評軟件系統的體系結構和一個實現原型,并利用此原型系統進行了測評實驗。

They are in turn : standards , methods and technical parameters of network device performance assessment ; the architecture of snmp ; design and realization of the antitype assessment system ; the process and result of the test with the antitype system 論文依次闡述了網絡設備性能測試的標準、方法和技術指標, snmp的協議體系,分布式測評系統的設計和實現,以及測評實驗的過程和結果分析。

The design of antitype system considers applied demand of reality in information system plenty . this system has strong maneuverability , naturalization , currency and expansibility 原型系統的設計充分考慮了本體在知識系統中的應用需求,具有較強的可操作性、可移植性、通用性和易擴展性。

Pingyao ancient city ( shanxi ) is a large building composed of complete city walls , lanes and residences , the most complete antitype of county of ming and qing dynasty 平遙古城是由完整的城墻、街巷和民居組成的大型古城建筑群,是中國境內迄今保存最完整的明清時期的縣城原型。

Secondly , i design the antitype that pdm integrated mrp ii with corba , discuss the process of development of system integration with corba 其次,以用corba技術實施pdm與mrp11的集成為例,設計了它們的集成原型和框架,論述了用corba實施系統集成的開發過程。

In the end , the paper designs antitype system for ontology management based on frame 最后,本文詳細設計了基于框架的本體管理原型系統。

Sublimity antitype and changing of myth 神話中的崇高原型及其嬗變