
antitrust adj.反托拉斯的,反壟斷的。

Actually, the “rule of reason“ was the only standard by which the antitrust law could be enforced, as the court had tacitly admitted years before . 實際上,正如法院多年前已默認的那樣,合理法則是反托拉斯法得以實施的唯一標準。


The most common type of misuse occurs when the patent holder uses the patent to violate the antitrust laws 最常見的濫用專利權常發生在專利權人利用其專利違反反壟斷法的時候。

But nowadays antitrust investigations are very often the result of complaints by other companies 但現如今,反壟斷調查很多情況下是其他公司申訴的結果。

On the changes of american antitrust law ' s object of regulation and its enlightenment towards our country 案看美國反壟斷法規制對象的變化及對我國的啟示

Research and teaching : microeconomic theory , industrial organization and antitrust economics 主要研究和教學領域:微觀理論、產業組織、反壟斷經濟學。

It is the first time a group has been penalised for failing to comply with a brussels antitrust ruling 這是首次有企業因未遵守歐盟反壟斷裁決而受罰。

Conflicts and coordination between the us governmental regulation on economy and the antitrust law 美國政府的經濟管制和反壟斷法的沖突與協調

New development of us antitrust law and the efficiency priciple on chinese antitrust law 美國反托拉斯法的新發展與我國反壟斷法的效率原則指向

Antitrust measures for foreign investors ' merger and acquisition in china after the entrance to wto 論對外貿易在中國經濟增長中的地位和作用

A decade ago , the department of justice filed its landmark antitrust case against microsoft 十年前,司法部對微軟進行了劃時代的訴訟案。

Decade ago , the department of justice filed its landmark antitrust case against microsoft 十年前,司法部對微軟進行了劃時代的訴訟案。

Application of american antitrust law to software industry : reconsideration on tying and predatory pricing 以搭售和掠奪性定價為例

Economic order and the evolution of the us federal government ' s antitrust policies 經濟秩序與美國聯邦政府反托拉斯政策之演變

Antitrust exemption rules for liner shipping conference in ec and its latest development 歐共體班輪公會豁免規則及其最新發展

An analysis of the competing ways towards international antitrust policy coordination 國際反壟斷政策協調的可行途徑比較分析

This article discusses the regulation of predatory pricing in antitrust law 本文研究的主題為反壟斷法中掠奪性定價的規制。

A fundamental tension exists between intellectual property and antitrust law 智慧財產及反托拉斯法之間,先天就有所沖突。

Comparitive studies on the control of american and german antitrust acts upon m amp; a 德國反壟斷法控制企業并購的比較研究

Both objective and basic rules of antitrust law are discussed in chapter ii 第二章探討了反壟斷法的目標與基本原則。