
antitoxin n.【生物學】抗毒素。


But we are in the midst of a revolutionary war , and revolutionary war is an antitoxin which not only eliminates the enemy ' s poison but also purges us of our own filth 然而我們是在革命戰爭中,革命戰爭是一種抗毒素,它不但將排除敵人的毒焰,也將清洗自己的污濁。

In a severe case of diphtheria the prognosis de - pends largely upon how early in the course of the dis - ease an adequate amount of antitoxin can be admiin - stered 百喉嚴重患者的預后,多半取決于在病程中是否能及早給予適量的抗毒素。

The infection occurred either clinically or subclinically at an early age and resulted in the widespread production of antitoxin in the population 在幼兒期發生臨床或亞臨床感染,使得人群中廣泛存在抗毒素。

Resistance to the disease depends largely on the availability of specific neutralizing antitoxin in the bloodstream and tissues 對白喉的抵抗力主要靠血液和組織中特異抗毒素的中和作用。

Antitoxin is substance that acts against a poisonous substance and prevents it from having a harmful effect 抗毒素是抵抗有毒物質并防止其產生有害作用的物質。

Gas gangrene antitoxin 氣性壞疽抗毒素

Desensitization is carried out by giving small doses of highly diluted antitoxin subcutaneously at first . 脫敏,是通過給予小劑量高度稀釋抗毒素皮下注射進行的。

Diphtheria antitoxin is a foreign protein . 白喉抗毒素是異性蛋白。