
antithetic adj.1.對立的,對照的。2.正相反的。adv.-ic...

Dear faithful , our understanding of “ respect life , the gift of god “ is very much antithetic with the hierarchy of values of the world , our vision is against the present currents in society 各位教友,我們對熱愛生命,珍惜天恩的了解和現代某些價值觀是對立的,我們的信念是反潮流的。


Nw compressive structures are developed in indosinian epoch in which folds are predominant and companied with some small thrusts . nearly ns or nnw compressive structures are developed at the end of yanshan epoch in which it is mainly overthrusted structures and closed folded structures . large gentle anticlines and synclines are developed from the end of mesozoic to early tertiary , and antithetic sagging structures are developed in mesozoic 研究發現,本區印支期發育了以褶皺為主、局部伴有小型逆斷層的北西向壓性構造,燕山末期(中生代末期)發育了以逆掩構造和緊閉的褶皺構造為主的近南北向或北北西向壓性構造,中生代末到第三紀早期發育了以寬緩為特征的大型背斜向斜構造,以及中生界內部的逆牽引構造。

So the b - spline smoothed rejection sampling method is indirectly proved to be superior to the standard rejection sampling method . chapter 4 is about the monte carlo integration . we get a theoretical error of the fine antithetic variables monte carlo ( famc ) method for multidimensional integration 第4章是關于蒙特卡羅積分的,得出了用于多重積分的精細對偶變數蒙特卡羅( fineantitheticvariablesmontecarlo ,簡稱famc )方法的誤差估計式。

The load character and control object for a parallel inverter is analyzed , the conclusion that series and parallel resonant circuit are two antithetic circuits is pointed out , this provides a theoretical guide to the control circuit design for these two inverters 分析了并聯諧振逆變器的負載特性及控制目標,指出串并聯諧振逆變電路是兩種對偶電路,為這兩種逆變器控制電路的設計提供了理論指導。

We also give the theoretical error result of antithetic variable monte carlo ( amc ) method for multi - variable functions whose degree is no more than two . the constant before o ( n - 1 / 2 ) is less than that of the mc method 對次數不高于2的多變量函數, amc方法其誤差階是o ( n ~ ( - 1 / 2 ) ) ,但其系數比原始蒙特卡羅積分( mc )方法的誤差階的系數小。

Dear faithful , our understanding of “ respect life , the gift of god “ is very much antithetic with the hierarchy of values of the world , our vision is against the present currents in society 各位教友,我們對熱愛生命,珍惜天恩的了解和現代某些價值觀是對立的,我們的信念是反潮流的。

Antithetic tilt block 對偶傾斜斷塊

Antithetic step fault 對偶階狀斷層

Antithetic block fault 對偶塊狀斷層

Antithetic slip cleavage 相向滑動劈理

Antithetic block rotation 對偶斷塊旋轉

Exploration into the aesthetic value of antithetic couplets in the tourism scenic spots 旅游景點對聯的審美價值初探

Antithetic conjugate riedel shears 里德爾對偶共軛剪切