
antithesis n.(pl. -ses )1.【修辭學】對語,對句〔如:...

The effect of antithesis and anti thetical couplet on the title of news are “ sun tong “ and “ si ru “ . it uses contrast and quotation and so on . it can lilerd and liberd translate the foreign title . its merits and the dffects of spread are “ si ru “ . those are pleasart to the ear , the eye , the brain and the heart 對句對聯型新聞標題的優點與傳播效果,主要表現在“四入”即:入耳、入眼、入腦、入心與“三能” ,即:對受眾能引起注意,能激發興趣,能進行美的傳播等方面。

Finally , on the process of location selection for financial facilities , location evaluation and related models are discusses , the related models includes antitheses , the classificatory grade method , neural network model and so on . , then the “ demand power “ and “ supply power “ , which is associated with the location selection for financial facilities are discussed . the spatial efficiency and spatial effectiveness . which considered the space reciprocity of some factors , is also brought forward 最后在探討在金融網點選址過程中的區位評價概念及其有關模型,諸如對比分析法、分級評分法、神經網絡分析法以及針對金融網點選址過程的“需求能力”與“服務能力”指標的分析,還有考慮相關因素的空間相互作用的空間效果和效率指標的分析模型。

This article is to discuss the tittle of antithesis and anti the tical couplet based on aesthetic and the symmetrical art of character . firt , study the functions of the genenal symmetrical art and the characteristic symmetrical art . chinese chacters have “ four ones “ . that means one structure one sound 但是,全世界的所有文字中,唯一只有漢字具有全面對稱美的功能,這是由漢字的“四個一”特點所決定的,即每個漢字都具有一形、一音、一義、一位的特點。

Yes , harnoncourt pioneer of “ period ” performance , a musician of the utmost seriousness , the antithesis of the star conductor who usually leads the vienna philharmonic on its new year whirl 是的,哈農考特是演藝界的“一代“先鋒,一位極嚴肅的音樂家,還是在一年一度紛繁的新年演出中通常率領維也納愛樂樂團的明星指揮的對立面。

Strikingly characteristic of “ oblique tone “ and “ anti - antithesis “ , this style of poetry differs completely from regulated verse in mood and emotion 它與格律嚴整的七律情趣迥異,其最重要的特征是用“仄韻”和“反對仗” 。


So if we want to settle the problems of the existence of law , we should put it onto the levels of language and the thinking of law . the puzzle dom comes from the antithesis between different thoughts of philosophy . in the history of philosophy of law , every transition of philosophical pattern of thought effects the innovation of the forms of thought and the change of the direction of value directly 通過對“古希臘哲學關于思維、語言和存在的層次思想及其啟發” , “語言哲學與法的語言層次” 、 “哲學思維方式與法的思維層次” 、 “辯證思維:走出法哲學基本理論問題困境的路徑”等四個方面的考察,來說明人類以不同的思維方式、語言形式把握和表達不同的對象世界,在法的不同層次上具有不同的指導原則、思維方式和話語方式。

Antithesis and antithetical couplet hare great influences on the news title . the using of anti thesis and anti thetical couplet openedup its ways , enrichedits materials , deepened its meanings and increased its literary grace . so the structures of making the little of news are very pretly and charming , forms are elegart and beautiful , meanings are penetrating and succinct and sounds are modulation in tone 對句對聯對當代新聞標題制作有很大的影響,主要是對句對聯的應用拓寬了新聞標題制作的途徑,豐富了新聞標題制作的取材,深化了新聞標題制作的意蘊,增加了新聞標題制作的文采。

The paper make certain the main work items and the relation of sequence preference . according to agricultural demand and the agricultural machinery in existence , it optimiz and equipping the agricultural machinery of zhengzhi village in term of main work items by the methods of expert recommendation and test and antitheses . at last , on the basis of optimizing and equipping , it bring out the model of rice mechanization and industrialization of zhengzhi village . this thesis comprehensively appraises the model , the conclusion is that favorable economic and social benefits can be received by setting up agricultural machinery joint share company 全文分以下幾個部分:首先,對政治村農業生產系統進行了環境辯識和問題診斷,明確了該村農業系統發展的優勢和基本問題,為農業產業結構調整指明了方向;其次,分析了該村水稻生產的工藝過程,確定了主要作業項目及優序關系,并根據農藝要求及該村現有的農業機械,運用試驗對比法和專家推薦法對政治村的農業機械按主要作業項目進行優化配備;最后,在優化配備的基礎上,提出了政治村水稻機械化產業化經營的模式,并對該經營模式進行了系統的綜合評價,得出結論:組建農機股份作業公司可獲得良好的經濟效益和社會效益。

The research of the local organized course - mechanism also indicates relationships between the nation and the society should not only simple antithesis , that cause the simple dualism during the relationship between the nation and society , but the complicated integration of the two trends , namely have complicated games , and are influencing the balances of force of the nation and society constantly 地方組織化過程?機制研究也表明,國家與社會關系不應是簡單的對立(這種對立通常導致國家與社會關系的簡單二元化解釋) ,而是兩者復雜的融合(也即存在著復雜的動態博奕,并不斷影響國家與社會的力量對比) 。

Based on deconstruction theory , the paper examines and analyzes foreignization and domestication in translation , revealing that they are not in the dualistic antithesis with one occupying the central position ; instead , they are symbiotically related and closely interdependent , and are the innate nature of translation 通過解構,對翻譯中的異化與歸化進行了考查和分析,可以看出兩者不是那種傳統概念中的二元對立、一元中心的關系,而是互為補充、互為條件的共生關系,即它們都是翻譯的本質屬性,并非誰更優于誰。

The effect of antithesis and anti thetical couplet on the title of news are “ sun tong “ and “ si ru “ . it uses contrast and quotation and so on . it can lilerd and liberd translate the foreign title . its merits and the dffects of spread are “ si ru “ . those are pleasart to the ear , the eye , the brain and the heart 對句對聯型新聞標題的優點與傳播效果,主要表現在“四入”即:入耳、入眼、入腦、入心與“三能” ,即:對受眾能引起注意,能激發興趣,能進行美的傳播等方面。

And we try hard to make company shaping up through establish of strategy , which have well be considered in our swot ( strength , weakness , opportunity and threats ) . having though about the factor of policy , economy and society enough , this paper analyzed the conditions of ic card industry ( structure and seedtime ) , the resource and core competitive of ourself , by using the tools of strategic conditions analysis and making marketing research and antitheses 文中應用戰略環境分析工具,通過市場調研和對比分析,結合國家政策、經濟環境、社會環境等,對企業所處的ic卡行業(行業結構和行業的發展階段等) 、企業的內部資源狀況和企業的核心能力等進行系統的分析和論證,明確了公司的優勢和劣勢,發現了外部機會與威脅。

Finally , on the process of location selection for financial facilities , location evaluation and related models are discusses , the related models includes antitheses , the classificatory grade method , neural network model and so on . , then the “ demand power “ and “ supply power “ , which is associated with the location selection for financial facilities are discussed . the spatial efficiency and spatial effectiveness . which considered the space reciprocity of some factors , is also brought forward 最后在探討在金融網點選址過程中的區位評價概念及其有關模型,諸如對比分析法、分級評分法、神經網絡分析法以及針對金融網點選址過程的“需求能力”與“服務能力”指標的分析,還有考慮相關因素的空間相互作用的空間效果和效率指標的分析模型。

Load and sliding speed on the wear mass lose were evaluated . at the same time , in order to estimate the role of different surface treatments on nano - inorganic filler and ptfe composites , ptfe composites filled with surface untreated nano - alios were prepared as antithesis at the same condition 同時,為了評價表面處理方法在無機納米粒子塑料復合材料中所起的作用,制備了一份具有相同含量但未經表面處理納米al _ 2o _ 3填充ptfe ,在相同工況下進行對比試驗研究。

This article is to discuss the tittle of antithesis and anti the tical couplet based on aesthetic and the symmetrical art of character . firt , study the functions of the genenal symmetrical art and the characteristic symmetrical art . chinese chacters have “ four ones “ . that means one structure one sound 但是,全世界的所有文字中,唯一只有漢字具有全面對稱美的功能,這是由漢字的“四個一”特點所決定的,即每個漢字都具有一形、一音、一義、一位的特點。

The pile building enclosure with two or three bracing pieces and the gravity retaining wall are particularized as example in this paper . from the antithesis with datum practically measured , it indicates that the fem which is adopt by this paper is logical and feasible 本文分別對兩道和三道支撐的樁(墻)式圍護結構及重力式擋墻圍護結構基坑工程進行了有限元模擬計算,根據與實際監測資料的對比分析,表明本文所采用有限元方法是合理可行的。

Ray suarez : well , part of the olympic creed , though , so we ' re told , is that it ' s supposed to be the antithesis of politics , the athletes of the world coming together in a place that is almost like extra territorial ( territory ) , olympic land for those two weeks of the game 正如我們所了解的那樣,奧林匹克精神兼容著政治的對立面,世界上各國的運動員聚集在一塊兒,仿佛代表著一個新的國度,參加如期舉行長達半月之久的奧運盛事。

This research applies the methods of expert recommendation and test and antitheses of system engineering , optimize and equipping agricultural machinery of rice production of zhengzhi village , shuangcheng city and bring a industry management model of rice mechanization 本文應用系統工程的專家推薦法結合試驗對比法,對雙城市政治村水稻生產農業機械進行了優化配備,并提出了水稻農業機械化產業化經營的模式。

However , people are conditioned to define and cognize the world in thinking mode of duality antitheses , for example : man and women ? day and night ? warm and cold ? goodness and wickedness etc , all are opposite concept 人類直到今天仍然習慣于以二元對立的思維方式定義與認識事物,比如:男人和女人?白天和黑夜?溫暖和寒冷?善良與邪惡等等,無一不是相對的認知概念,少其一,另一個就毫無意義。