
antitank adj.反坦克的〔略 A. T. 或 AT〕。 an a...

In north africa in january 1943 , the intelligence officer of the 10th panzer division reported on a “ new american antitank weapon “ 一九四三年一月,駐北非的第十裝甲師的情報官報告了“美國的一種新式反坦克武器” 。

In north africa in january 1943, the intelligence officer of the 10th panzer division reported on a “new american antitank weapon“ . 一九四三年一月,駐北非的第十裝甲師的情報官報告了“美國的一種新式反坦克武器”。


Abstract : aimed at the accident of chatching fire of a certain type of self - propelled antitank gun s chamber , the paper analyses the normal burning of powder and the efficiency of the gun s extracting device and other factors affecting the burning velocity , makes an improvement on the weapon system , and puts forward the requirements for using the gun under army conditions 文摘:針對某型自行火炮實彈射擊中戰斗室彈藥倉內半可燃藥筒起火燃燒事故,通過對可燃藥筒完全燃燒的理論分析和火炮抽氣裝置結構效率分析以及可能影響藥筒燃燒速度的其他因素分析,提出武器系統及可燃藥筒改進意見,并對部隊條件下的使用提出了要求,對改善裝備性能,預防事故發生具有重要意義。

The heavy weapons ( machine guns , infantry cannons , antitank guns and mortars ) were placed on the eastern edge of sapadni ; the two 105 mm batteries occupied fire positions to the south of the locality , with the mission of furnish direct fire against the houses in the edge of rostov , located 1 . 500 meters ahead 它的重武器(機槍,步兵炮,反坦克炮和迫擊炮)部署在薩帕德尼東面邊緣; 2個105毫米炮連則在這個地點南面占領了發射陣地,其任務是對前方1500米處,羅斯托夫邊緣的房屋進行直接射擊。

But this time having reached a point 800 / 1000 meters before the posistions , some russian antitank cannons opened fire striking two tanks ( one disabled by hit on one of its track and the other set on fire , nevertheless both crews were rescued ) 但是這次,在陣地前800到100米處,一些蘇軍反坦克炮摧毀了2輛坦克(一輛履帶中彈無法行動,另一輛起火燃燒,所幸的是,兩組乘員都逃脫了。 )

Russia is putting u . s . troops at risk in iraq by selling antitank guided missiles , jamming devices and night - vision goggles to baghdad , the bush administration said monday in a growing rift with moscow 布什政府周一表示與俄羅斯的分歧越來越大,俄羅斯把反坦克導彈、電子干擾設備和夜用鏡出售給伊拉克政府,增加了美國軍隊在伊拉克作戰的風險。

Like the antitank missile can vertically attack front armor , or attack the weak part of armor with the big arrival angle to obtain the greatest depth of drill and approach angle about 90o 仿真結果表明,本文提出的垂直打擊目標的變結構模糊末制導律,能實現對目標的精確打擊,滿足落角要求,充分發揮導彈的威力。

Quote : the column advanced at great speed along the hollow , past the antitank ditch , reached the road and got through the bridge ( 9 kilometers from the starting point ) in less than 20 minutes 縱隊沿著谷地全速前進,在不到20分鐘的時間里就通過了反坦克壕,到達公路并且穿過了橋梁(距離出發地點9公里) 。

In this paper which was in the background of some model antitank missle , adopting maximum likelihood identification method estimated the aerodynamic parameters of the missle , with using flight datas 本文以某型反坦克導彈為背景,利用導彈飛行試驗數據,應用最大似然遞推算法估算了該導彈的氣動力參數。

After a buildup that included heavy tiger i tanks that mounted the 88mm gun that rommel had pioneered in antitank combat , rommel exploded against the americans at fa ? d on february 14 在組織起一支包括裝備有88毫米炮重型的虎i型坦克部隊后,隆美爾將其做為反坦克戰的先鋒, 2月14日隆美爾在法得擊敗了美軍。

The column advanced at great speed along the hollow , past the antitank ditch , reached the road and got through the bridge ( 9 kilometers from the starting point ) in less than 20 minutes 縱隊沿著谷地全速前進,在不到20分鐘的時間里就通過了反坦克壕,到達公路并且穿過了橋梁(距離出發地點9公里) 。

In north africa in january 1943 , the intelligence officer of the 10th panzer division reported on a “ new american antitank weapon “ 一九四三年一月,駐北非的第十裝甲師的情報官報告了“美國的一種新式反坦克武器” 。

The t13 ’ s were designed as infantry ( or cavalry ) support vehicle ( like a mobile antitank artillery ) , not as a tank 13是一種步兵或騎兵的支援車輛(好比是一種移動的反坦克炮兵) ,而不是坦克。

They have so far restricted their military support to small arms , antitank weapons , mortar , and ammunition 他們一直把軍事援助限于小型武器,反坦克武器,迫擊炮以及彈藥。

Apply minimum cross - entropy spectral estimation to verify simulation models for antitank missile systems 最小交互熵譜估計在反坦克導彈系統仿真模型驗證中的應用

The tanks moved back up to 1 . 500 meters from the positions in order to avoid the antitank fire 坦克縱隊后退到1500米位置以避開反坦克炮的火力。

Air defense antitank system 防空訪坦克系統

Atar antitank aircraft rocket 反坦克航空火箭

In north africa in january 1943, the intelligence officer of the 10th panzer division reported on a “new american antitank weapon“ . 一九四三年一月,駐北非的第十裝甲師的情報官報告了“美國的一種新式反坦克武器”。