
antisubmarine adj.反潛(艇)的,防潛(艇)的。

antisubmarine bomb

Another based mathematics model about the anchor cable is used for ship - anchor system . the numerical calculation have been worked by programmed in the matlab language . at the same time the influence that the dragging speed of antisubmarine helicopter and the height over the surface of ocean acts on the shape and the tension of underwater cable , and that the current velocity and the diameter of anchor cable acts on the shape and the tension of anchor cable , has been calculated 把建立的水下拖索數學模型和錨索數學模型分別應用于航空吊放聲納探頭?纜繩動力學系統和船?錨系統,采用matlab語言編程進行了數值計算,同時分別計算和分析了反潛直升機拖速、距海面高度對拖索形狀和張力的影響以及海流速度、錨索直徑對錨索形狀和張力的影響。

Based on the real situation of submarine and antisubmarine warfare ( asw ) , according to the classical design theory of transducer or transducer array , a sonar will be researched and made , which has the feature of more wider bandwidth , more lower operating frequency , more lager radiation acoustic power , more farther operating distance , more higher researching efficiency and more higher directive accuracy 本文根據現代潛戰和反潛戰( asw )的實際情況,按照經典的換能器和基陣的設計理論,研制聲吶,旨在擴展其頻帶寬度、降低其工作頻率、增大其發射功率、擴大其作用距離以及提高其搜索效率和定向準確度。

In my paper i will analysis the characters of dis , design principle of dis system and the key techniques of dis such as computer network technology etc . based on the analysis and research of the techniques above , i will discuss the application in the army - field ; finally , i will introduce the comprehension and experience in developing the dis system of naval certain surface vessel formation antisubmarine training simulator which author has taken part in 本文將分析分布交互仿真系統的基本特點、設計原則和主要的關鍵技術。重點分析、研究計算機網絡技術和計算機實時仿真技術等在分布式作戰訓練仿真系統中的具體應用,最后結合作者參與的《某指控中心作戰訓練仿真系統》研究的實踐談一些體會,并對其進行必要的展望。

And the composing of the network of asw in the network centric antisubmarine warfare is introduced , the basic function of the network of asw and the relationship of the sub - net is discussed especially , and then the threaten to the submarine operation from the network centric antisubmarine warfare is presented 介紹了美軍網絡中心反潛戰中的反潛戰網絡組成,探討了反潛戰網絡的基本功能、各子網絡的關聯和網絡中心反潛戰對潛艇作戰的威脅。

They have also been exported to iran , china , india , poland , romania and algeria . china has two type 636 submarine which are designed for antisubmarine and anti - surface ship asuw warfare as well as for general reconnaissance and patrol missions 636型潛艇是在877型的基礎上又進行了改進提高,其降低動力裝置的轉速,采用了七葉大側斜螺旋槳,增大充電功率提高了充電能力,改進降噪措施,進一步降低了噪聲。

In this paper , a space model of antisubmarine homing torpedo ' s trajectory has been established based on the surface warship attacking underwater target , a formula which can be used to calculate the trajectory length of antisubmarine horning torpedo is also given 在建立了水面艦艇發射反潛自導魚雷攻擊水下目標的空間彈道模型的基礎上,提出了反潛自導魚雷全彈道長度的一種計算公式。

The concept of a specialized surface ships was developed by soviet designers . two different types of warships were laid down which were project 956 destroyer and project 1155 large antisubmarine ship 前蘇聯的艦船設計者們采取了一條非同一般的水面戰艦發展思路,同時發展了兩型不同的戰艦,即956計劃驅逐艦和1155計劃大型反潛艦。

To develop the equipment and the theory of antisubmarine warfare ( asw ) and submarine operation , the characteristic and insufficiency of the platform centric antisubmarine warfare are researched 摘要為發展反潛作戰、潛艇作戰裝備及理論,對平臺中心反潛戰中的特點和問題進行了研究。

The trajectory of antisubmarine homing torpedo is a complex space curve , so there is big limitation in accounting its trajectory length by plane geometry 由于反潛自導魚雷的彈道是一條復雜的空間曲線,因而平面幾何解析法求解其彈道長度有較大的局限性。

The towed synthesize aperture sonar system will become an important weapon of our army in antisubmarine and antimine war and be applied widely 拖曳式合成孔徑聲納系統將成為我軍反潛、反水雷的重要武器,具有廣泛的應用前景。

A fast , lightly armed warship , smaller than a destroyer , often armed for antisubmarine operations 護衛艦一種輕型武裝的迅速戰斗艦,比驅逐艦小,常為反潛水軍事行動而配有武器

Urgent antisubmarine attack 緊急攻潛法

Asroc antisubmarine rocket 反潛艇火箭

Antisubmarine warfare capability 反潛戰能力

Antisubmarine zigzag manoeuvre 防潛曲折機動

Target antisubmarine partol tasp 目標區反潛巡邏

Antisubmarine warfare is a crucial underpinning for future navy missions 反潛是現代海上戰爭的主要任務之一。

I had worked under him during the war on a leader cable scheme and antisubmarine warfare . 戰爭期間,我曾在他的領導下研究過一項主電纜計劃和反潛作戰。