
antispasmodic adj.治痙攣的,防痙攣的。n.鎮痙藥。


Scullcap has tonic , nervine , and antispasmodic action , relaxes the nervous system and muscles , and may help with hysteria , convulsions , hydrophobia , nervous headaches , neuralgia , asthma , epilepsy , parkinson ' s disease , pain , insomnia , relieving nervous tension and inducing sleep 美黃岑有調理、神經、止痙孿作用,它可松馳神經及肌肉,有效于歇斯底里癥、大笑、狂犬病、頭痛、神經痛、癲癇癥、柏金遜癥、失眠、舒緩神經緊張、促睡等。

Loperamide is helpful for symptoms of urgency and frequency but may exacerbate abdominal pain and discomfort . antispasmodic and tricyclic antidepressant drugs improve pain , whereas ispaghula improves pain and bowel habit 洛派丁胺對于急性和頻繁的癥狀是有效的,但是有可能加重腹部疼痛和不適。抗痙攣藥和三環類抗抑郁藥能改善疼痛,而卵葉車前草則在改善疼痛的同時改善排便習慣。

Valerian extract a tranquilizing , antispasmodic and analgesic , microcirculation , against myocardial ischemia and acute myocardial infarction narrow scope , anti - pulmonary edema , antidepressants , anti - bacterial and anti - tumor effects 纈草提取物具有鎮靜安神、解痙鎮痛、改善微循環、抗心肌缺血及縮小急性心肌梗死范圍、抗肺水腫、抗抑郁、抗腫瘤和抗菌等作用。

Ripe poppy seeds have no narcotic effects . the seeds and latex ( milky sap ) extracted from green capsules , however , have sedative , tranquilizing , antispasmodic , and hypnotic properties 成熟罌粟種子沒有麻醉作用。種子和乳汁(乳狀的樹汁)從綠色的莢提取,然而,有鎮靜劑,使平靜,止痙攣和催眠產物。

Traditional herbalists will often combine blue cohosh and black cohosh to effect a more balanced treatment for nerves , and to enhance the herbs antispasmodic effects 傳統的草本療師常用黑升麻和藍升麻來治療神經系統毛病和作止痙攣之用。

In terms of drug therapies , antispasmodic drugs are safe , but offer only a small improvement relative to placebo 在藥物治療方面,抗痙攣藥是安全的,但是與安慰劑相比只有少量改善。