
antisocial adj.1.厭惡社交的。2.反社會(組織)的,反社會福利...

“ to argue against it is like arguing against gravity . “ the surgeon general s office has already done two comprehensive overviews of existing studies , the first published in 1972 , and the second a 1982 update . both called television violence a contributing factor to increases in violent crime and antisocial behavior 醫療衛生局針對現有的多項研究,已經出版過兩項綜合概述報告,第一項于一九七二年出版,第二項則是于一九八二年推出的更新版,兩項報告都指出暴力節目是增長暴力犯罪和危害社會行為的一項因素。


I also fulfill my part of the job , sometimes giving up group meditation to visit his parents with him on weekends . i occasionally go to church with my husband to let him know that i fully respect jesus christ , even though i am not a christian . and i treat his friends well when they visit our home to show him that i am not antisocial , though my own friends are mostly practitioners 我也謹守為人妻的本份,有時在周末陪他去探望他的雙親,偶爾也陪他上教堂,讓他知道即使我不是基督徒,我依然很尊敬耶穌基督我也會在家里招待他的朋友,讓他了解雖然我的朋友大多是修行人,我卻不是個遺世獨立的人。

“ to argue against it is like arguing against gravity . “ the surgeon general s office has already done two comprehensive overviews of existing studies , the first published in 1972 , and the second a 1982 update . both called television violence a contributing factor to increases in violent crime and antisocial behavior 醫療衛生局針對現有的多項研究,已經出版過兩項綜合概述報告,第一項于一九七二年出版,第二項則是于一九八二年推出的更新版,兩項報告都指出暴力節目是增長暴力犯罪和危害社會行為的一項因素。

The scientists suggest that studying the brain systems that allow people to see the world as a series of meaningful interactions may ultimately help further understanding of disorders , such as autism or antisocial behaior , that are characterized by deficits in interpersonal interactions 科學家建議,那些允許人們把世界看成是一系列有意義的相互作用的對大腦系統的研究,可能最終能夠幫助進一步理解失調,比如自閉或反社會行為,它們的特點是人際間互動的缺陷。

These studies indicate that while prison life causes a build - up of physiological stress and in effect leads to violent and antisocial behavior among inmates , concomitant use of meditation techniques may help to alleviate or significantly decrease tendencies toward violent behavior 據這些科學研究結果發現,監獄生活只會增加受刑人的壓力,進而更激發他們暴力傾向和反社會的行為,而打坐可以有效的避免及減少暴力行為。

The reasons for antisocial behavior are both complicated and varied . i suggest the phenomenon results from inappropriate role models and the lack of well - defined norms of behavior . however , the main reason is quite likely the continuing degeneration of social values 反社會行為的原因既復雜又多樣。我認為這種現象是不恰當的角色典型和缺少行為規范的很好的定義造成的。然而,主要原因很可能是不斷貶低的社會價值。

I estimate one person in thirty is either a physically - violent psychopath who commits criminal acts , or an antisocial whose behaviour is antisocial , or a sociopath who commits mostly non - arrestable offences 根據我的估計,在三十個人里面有一個名或者是在身體暴力上的會產生犯罪行為的心理變態者,或者是行為上反對社會的反社會者,或者是一位進行幾乎不可能抓住罪名的行為的反社會病態人格。

Her unwillingness to accept either criticism or the overwhelming compliments that customers have to offer poses the question of whether she has either an antisocial temperament or an underdeveloped character 她既不愿意接受顧客的批評,也不愿意受到他們一邊倒的奉承,這就引起了一個問題:她或者具有反社會傾向,或者是性格不健全。

A chief concern is china ' s reeducation through labor program , which imprisons without trial those who have committed what the government characterizes as antisocial acts 其中一個主要的來源是中國經由勞動方案所進行的再教育,此方案將那些中國政府所認定為犯下反社會行為的人,在未經審判的情況下即予以監禁。

Pastry chefs have to be part of a team while the appeal of a baker ' s life is that once you are prepared for the antisocial hours that the profession demands your independence is guaranteed 點心師必須是團隊的一份子,而面包師這一職業的魅力在于,當職業需求一些非社交時間時,他可以相對獨立些。

The reasons for antisocial behavior are both complicated and varied . i suggest the phenomenon results from inappropriate role models and the lack of well - defined norms of behavior 反社會行為的原因既復雜又多樣。我認為這種現象是不恰當的角色典型和缺少行為規范的很好的定義造成的。

The banishment of the natural world from daily life , as when walks are regarded as dangerously antisocial in ray bradbury ' s fahrenheit 451 在日常生活中禁止與自然界的接觸。例如在雷布萊柏利的華氏四百五十一度中,散步被視為危險的反社會行為。

We might reduce antisocial driving behavior such as road rage , thereby significantly reducing the stress of driving 我們或許能減少野蠻開車這類有害公眾利益的開車行為,從而大大減輕行車壓力。

They will often be diagnosed as having antisocial personality disorder , which can also be known as a sociopath 他們經常往往會被診斷為反社會型人格障礙,又名反社會者。

You should go out and socialize more . don ' t just sit at home the whole day and play an isolated antisocial 你應該主動出去和人家交流交流下,別整天在家里做井底之蛙。

Comparison study of fluoxetine effects on aggression of antisocial personality disorder patients 鹽酸氟西汀治療反社會人格障礙患者攻擊行為的對照研究

Playing music so loud that it annoys everyone else in the street is antisocial 彈奏音樂如此大聲它打擾到在街上的其他每一個人是自私自利的。

A study of antisocial personality disorder and parental rearing behavior and related factors 反社會人格障礙與父母養育方式及相關因素的分析

Antiaggressive effect of buspirone in antisocial personality disorders 鹽酸丁螺環酮治療反社會人格障礙攻擊行為對照研究