
antiseptic adj.1.防腐的,有消毒力的。2.消過毒的,無菌的。3...

antiseptic finish

Afterward , the students had their choice of a gift , either a pencil or an antiseptic wipe 之后,學生們可以在鉛筆和消毒濕巾之間任選一個作禮物。

Prepare the antiseptic solution in a clean and non - metallic container according to instructions 按指示將消毒劑放入一個清潔、非金屬的容器內。

Also used as bleaching agent and antiseptic for wool , cotton , textile , chemical fabrics etc 同時也可用于織物、毛紡、棉織物、化學織物的漂白。

Anti - viral , anti - microbial , antiseptic , anti - bacterial , expectorant , stimulant 抗病毒抗微生物抗菌藥抗細菌刺激身體系統和功能活動祛痰劑

Before leaving the ward , he should wash his hands with the antiseptic provided by the ward 在離開病房前,要用該病房供應的消毒藥水洗手。

Ancient cultures used the spice as an antiseptic and to treat cholera and bronchitis 在古代,辣椒還被用作防腐劑、治療霍亂和支氣管炎。

Antiseptic , expectorant , stimulant excellent for respiratory tract infections 抗菌藥祛痰劑刺激身體系統和功能活動呼吸系統感染的良方

Ancient cultures used the spice as an antiseptic and to treat cholera and bronchitis 在古代,辣椒還被用作防腐劑治療霍亂和支氣管炎。

The product finds use in food additives , antiseptics , and performance chemicals 產品廣泛應用于絕緣材料農藥香料及精細化工等行業。

The results of study also showed that this membrane should be keep in antiseptic 實驗結果還表明,膜需要在殺菌劑溶液中進行保存。

Anti - viral , anti - bacterial , anti - microbial , antiseptic , expectorant , restorative 抗病毒抗細菌抗微生物抗菌藥祛痰劑強健身體

An antiseptic room 異常干凈的房間

A trademark used for a silver - protein compound employed as a local antiseptic 弱蛋白銀商標名稱,作局部消毒用于蛋白銀化合物

Keep fruits and vegetables fresh ; suppress growth of germ and antiseptic and purifying 蔬果保鮮、抑制細菌孳生、殺菌凈化

Keep fruits and vegetables fresh ; suppress growth of germ and antiseptic and purifying 蔬果保鮮抑制細菌孳生殺菌凈化

The grade of acq antiseptic material is due to the class of the wood (一) 、 acq防腐處理材等級由鋸材的不同等級決定。

Production : inorganic antiseptics ; sales : the company produced products 生產:無機抗菌劑;銷售:本公司生產的產品。

Soothing toning and antiseptic 清新的香味。

Antiseptic lotion and alcohol -消毒藥水或火酒