
antirrhinum n.【植物;植物學】金魚草;〔A-〕金魚草屬。


The anatomical and ultrastructural research in the cotyledon of antirrhinum majus indicated : cutin membrane and sparse epidermal trichome occurred on the surface of cotyledon . stomata protruded appreciably over the epidermis , the ratio of palisade mesophyll and spongy mesophyll was low , the previous evidence showed structural charecater of shade leaf 通過對金魚草子葉的組織學和細胞學研究,發現其表皮角質膜薄,具稀疏表皮毛,氣孔略突出于表皮,柵欄組織與海綿組織比例小,故具有陰性葉的結構特征。

The primary structures , the genesis and the structure formed of the primary vascular system and the structural change in the process of cotyledonary senescence of the seedlings of antirrhinum majus and other angiosperms were studied . the progress had been aquired in the aspects as follows 本論文對金魚草等幾種被子植物幼苗的初生結構、幼苗發育早期初生維管系統的發生和建成后初生維管系統的結構以及子葉衰老過程中的結構變化作了較為全面的研究,在以下幾個方面取得了一定的進展: 1

It has been established the existence of a few pathways controlling flowering of plants in genetic research of flowering of arabidopsis thaliana and antirrhinum majus . many genes related to flowering have been identified and cloned , but the regulation mechanism of gene ' s expression is still unclear 通過模式植物擬南芥和金魚草開花機理的研究,現在已經明確植物的開花途徑有多條,并識別和分離了許多與開花有關的基因,但這些基因如何在植物生長發育過程中進行特定時空的表達及其調控一直是科學家研究的一個黑匣子。

This article reviews the recent research advances of floral formation ( including floral induction , identification of inflorescence , floral evocation and floral morphogenesis ) in plants ( taking example by arabidopsis and antirrhinum ) 摘要以擬南芥、金魚草為例,介紹了近幾年植物成花(包括成花誘導、花序分生組織的組成、花發端、花器官發生及發育)研究的一些進展。

The process of vessel element ' s promotion , formation and connection in primary xylem of antirrhinum majus , a model plant , was observed through micropolariscope and bright - field microscope 利用偏光顯微鏡和明場顯微鏡,首次報道了模式植物金魚草幼苗初生維管系統木質部導管分子的發育、形成和連接過程。

Hereby the process of senescence of the antirrhinum majus cotyledon as a embryonic organ appeared some features of programmed cell death ( pcd ) 據此說明子葉在衰老過程中具有某些細胞編程性死亡的結構特點。

The chromosome number and analysis of karyotype of antirrhinum manjus l 金魚草染色體數目及核型分析