
antiquity n.1.古舊。2.古代。3.〔集合詞〕古人。4.〔pl....

It nearly always plunged him into the shadow and antiquity whose existence in “my dear native land“ he had denied . 他幾乎總是被拉進他所不承認的“我親愛的國土”上的陰影和過去。


Courtesy of the antiquities and monuments office 古物古跡辦事處提供

Antiquities and monuments office : 2721 2326 古物古跡辦事處2721 2326

Who chooses the city where the olympic games of greek antiquity ? 誰選擇奧運會舉辦的城市?

On any matters relating to antiquities and monuments 委員會就古物古跡事宜,向古物事務監督

Newsletters of the antiquities and monument office 古物古跡辦事處通訊

Antiquities advisory board 125th meeting 古物諮詢委員會第一二五次會議

Antiquities advisory board 123rd meeting 古物諮詢委員會第一二三次會議

Antiquities advisory board 129th meeting 古物諮詢委員會第一二九次會議

Antiquities advisory board 124th meeting 古物諮詢委員會第一二四次會議

Antiquities advisory board 121st meeting 古物諮詢委員會第一二一次會議

Antiquities advisory board 128th meeting 古物諮詢委員會第一二八次會議

Newsletter of the antiquities and monuments office 古物古跡辦事處通訊

Appointments to antiquities advisory board 政府委任古物諮詢委員會成員

Antiquities advisory board 126th meeting 古物諮詢委員會第一二六次會議

Welcome to the website of the antiquities and monuments office 歡迎瀏覽古物古跡辦事處網頁

Antiquities advisory board 122nd meeting 古物諮詢委員會第一二二次會議

Antiquities advisory board 127th meeting 古物諮詢委員會第一二七次會議

He was caught with three bags of the antiquities in his car 在他的車中,警方還查獲了3袋