
antique adj.1.古代的;古風的。2.舊式的,過時的。n.1....

“ antique “ describes an object which has survived from the past and is therefore valuable today . “antique”用以形容古代留傳下來的器物,因而如今十分寶貴。


Bob : just what he needs , antique pornography 他真正想要的其實就是古典色情

“ in hat of antique shape ” ( matthew arnold ) “戴著古董式的帽子” (馬修?阿諾德) 。

An expert came to appraise the value of my antiques 一位專家來對我的古玩作了估價。

Someone tracked down all those wonderful antique toys 有人找到這些古董玩具

He bought the antique vase through a dealer 他透過一位商人買了這古董花瓶。

Even the expert took it for a genuine antique 連專家都以為這是一件貨真價實的古董。

Centre for scientific analysis of antique artifacts csaaa 古文物科學測試中心( csaaa )

In the museum we saw antique pewter plates 我們在博物館看到古時的白?盤子。

I very much enjoy going to the chinese antique markets 我很喜歡去中國的古董市場。

The european antique furniture are gaudiness 歐洲的古典家具一向以華美著稱。

She collects antique french furniture and porcelains 她搜集舊式的法國家具和瓷器。

[ bob : ] just what he needs , antique pornography 他真正想要的其實就是古典色情

I found this manuscript in an antique store 我在一家古董店里發現了這份手稿。

Well , you can find interesting antiques there 哦,你能在那里找到有趣的古董。

She wore an antique gown to the costume party 她穿著一件過時的長袍參加化妝舞會。

The tiny antique silver pin lay in my hand 那枚小小的舊銀別針就放在我的手上。

He says he ' ll take ronnie ' s antique guns up to the arab 他說他要拿羅尼的古董槍

Horreo : an antique dating from before the age of stone ones 不是石造的陳年谷倉