
antiquated adj.1.陳舊的,舊式的,過時的。2.古色古香的,有古...

“ ah , “ replied he , sighing , “ that is not very surprising ; i have been more than a year absent from paris , and my clothes are of a most antiquated cut ; the count takes me for a provincial “唉! ”他嘆了一氣答道, “那算不上十分稀奇。我離開巴黎已有一年多了,我的衣服式樣已經很舊了,伯爵大概把我看成一個鄉下人。

The law of treason , for example , is based on the antiquated british law of treason , which largely protects “ her majesty “ or the “ crown of the united kingdom “ 例如,叛國罪是建基于英國古舊的“叛逆“罪,后者保護的對象是“女皇陛下“或“聯合王國的君主“ 。

The current wide - ranging and antiquated law of treason should be replaced by three new offences focused on different types of activities 現時涵蓋面極寬而又過時的“叛逆“罪應由針對不同類型行為的三種新罪行代替:


“ ah , “ replied he , sighing , “ that is not very surprising ; i have been more than a year absent from paris , and my clothes are of a most antiquated cut ; the count takes me for a provincial “唉! ”他嘆了一氣答道, “那算不上十分稀奇。我離開巴黎已有一年多了,我的衣服式樣已經很舊了,伯爵大概把我看成一個鄉下人。

The law of treason , for example , is based on the antiquated british law of treason , which largely protects “ her majesty “ or the “ crown of the united kingdom “ 例如,叛國罪是建基于英國古舊的“叛逆“罪,后者保護的對象是“女皇陛下“或“聯合王國的君主“ 。

The current wide - ranging and antiquated law of treason should be replaced by three new offences focused on different types of activities 現時涵蓋面極寬而又過時的“叛逆“罪應由針對不同類型行為的三種新罪行代替: