
antiquate vt.1.使變舊;使過時。2.使具有古風,把…設計得古色...

“ ah , “ replied he , sighing , “ that is not very surprising ; i have been more than a year absent from paris , and my clothes are of a most antiquated cut ; the count takes me for a provincial “唉! ”他嘆了一氣答道, “那算不上十分稀奇。我離開巴黎已有一年多了,我的衣服式樣已經很舊了,伯爵大概把我看成一個鄉下人。

The law of treason , for example , is based on the antiquated british law of treason , which largely protects “ her majesty “ or the “ crown of the united kingdom “ 例如,叛國罪是建基于英國古舊的“叛逆“罪,后者保護的對象是“女皇陛下“或“聯合王國的君主“ 。

The current wide - ranging and antiquated law of treason should be replaced by three new offences focused on different types of activities 現時涵蓋面極寬而又過時的“叛逆“罪應由針對不同類型行為的三種新罪行代替:


As the pc came along , even though it was inferior in many ways to these machines , the breadth of what it could do and the phenomenon of the software industry writing for the pc meant that these machines became as antiquated as an adding machine 同樣地個人計算機進展,即使它是次等的在到的許多路中這些以機器制造,它所可以做的寬度和軟件工業為個人計算機寫的現象意謂這些以機器制造同樣地變成舊式如一個計算器。

Those who need a specification is , long - range education does not mean generation to deny or be replaced of the generation before be opposite after , cannot teach by correspondence education , broadcasting television education regards antiquated education as 需要說明的是,后一代遠程教育并不意味著對前一代的否定或取代,不能把函授教育、廣播電視教育看成是過時的教育。

The bad : new look still seems antiquated by today ' s standards ; frequent battles remain an issue , though you can skip some ; fights tend to be rather slow - paced and methodical and can get to be a drag 缺點:新畫面以今天的標準看起來還是有點陳舊;雖然你可以跳過一些,但頻繁的戰斗依然是個毛病;戰斗往往(進行的)非常緩慢而且亦步亦趨(過分系統化) ,變得拖沓冗長。

But most of the courses existed antiquated contents , lacking for feedback and unsatisfactory searching functions and so on problems . therefore it must use high technical method to redesign web - based course 但大多數課程仍存在教學內容陳舊、缺少反饋和查詢功能不完善等缺點,因此必須利用先進的技術手段分析課程自身的特點對網絡課程進行重新設計。

Comparing with the antiquated tradition of chinese narrative and the western ' s , 《 arabian night ' s entertainment 》 had it ' s own narrative structure which was so characteristic : stories intentionally started with secrecies and taboos 與中國以及西方古典敘事傳統相比照, 《一千零一夜》有自己的經典敘事結構:故事的講述從秘密和禁忌開始。

To accomplish this task , antiquated economy system should be reformed and the productivity should be activated , what ' s more , we should be opening to the world to learn their advanced science and techniques 為了實現這一目標,我們必須改革舊的經濟體制,進一步解放生產力;我們應當向世界敞開大門,學習其他國家的先進的科學和技術。

S ; the very paper was different , while the articles of antiquated furniture with which the rooms had been filled in edmond s time had all disappeared ; the four walls alone remained as he had left them 舊時的家具,在他的童年時代是這樣的熟悉,一桌一椅都深深地刻在他的記憶里,現在卻都不見了,只有四面的墻壁依然如舊。

“ ah , “ replied he , sighing , “ that is not very surprising ; i have been more than a year absent from paris , and my clothes are of a most antiquated cut ; the count takes me for a provincial “唉! ”他嘆了一氣答道, “那算不上十分稀奇。我離開巴黎已有一年多了,我的衣服式樣已經很舊了,伯爵大概把我看成一個鄉下人。

But chinese utilities have in the past preferred to buy cheap but often - antiquated equipment from well connected domestic suppliers instead of importing costlier gear from the west 也可以進行技術援助,但中國的公共部門更傾向于在國內向與其保持良好關系的供應商購買廉價而陳舊的設備,而非從西方進口昂貴的設備。

I hope that twenty - first - century islamic leaders can unshackle themselves from antiquated ideas about gender roles and open themselves to a more moderate and progressive approach 然而我想要將我自身抽離那些在某些圈子里廣受歡迎,認為西方世界能夠且應該對這些回教國家施壓以爭取兩性平權的想法。

On the recording of the tube series when i heard the sweet and fluently music recorded by the antiquated tube in 1927 , the astonishment and excitement in my heart are out of words 真空管錄音30年,極究錄音,尊爵享受,錄音史上的第一部傳奇巨作。最具權威及最具代表性的真空管錄示范天碟。

The idea of producing a set of model mortgage origination documents stemmed from a natural desire to make an unnecessarily complicated and somewhat antiquated tool more user - friendly 編制一套標準按揭文件的概念,起源于簡化這項繁復及在某程度上老化的工具,令使用者更易理解的自然訴求。

You will still see some stone windows on antiquated houses of ming , qing dynasty when you are wandering about some small and old towns in zhejiang or jiangshu province if you are lucky enough 如果你漫步于江浙一帶的古城小鎮,或許你仍會有幸看到那些鑲嵌于明清古宅中原汁原味的石窗。

Icbc is undergoing a complex restructuring designed to improve its antiquated practices and reduce bad loans . an initial public offering is unlikely before 2007 中國工商銀行正在經歷一次綜合改建過程,其目的是為了改善陳舊的習慣和減少壞帳。其上市時間將不會早于2007年。

One day he would read a book of antiquated philosophy , and the next day one that was ultra - modern , so that his head would be whirling with the conflict and contradiction of ideas 今天讀過時無用的哲學,明天讀超前時髦的哲學,腦子里的概念矛盾抵觸,弄得他暈頭轉向。

Claus relies on low - impact flying reindeer for his propulsion needs , and goes so far as to use an antiquated red - nose system for lighting ) (比方說,你注意到沒有,圣誕老人都是騎著溫馴的馴鹿到你家的,他老人一個晚上家要竄那么多門,卻只用過時的紅鼻子來探路。 )