
antiquary n.文物工作者,古物收藏者。

Several days later , fan weiqing , a famous antiquary known in beijing , was introduced to wang yirong . he brought 12 slices of “ dragon bone “ this time 不多時日,名揚京華的古董商范維卿被引見到王府,這次他帶來了十二片“龍骨” 。


Several days later , fan weiqing , a famous antiquary known in beijing , was introduced to wang yirong . he brought 12 slices of “ dragon bone “ this time 不多時日,名揚京華的古董商范維卿被引見到王府,這次他帶來了十二片“龍骨” 。

German archaeologist and antiquary . considered the father of archaeology , he was the first to study ancient art as history 一個考古學家,他是一個性情古怪、漂泊無定的人,每隔三四年左右就會來這里一次。

It features around 500 items of historical curiosities of edo era collected by artisans and antiquaries 共有大約500份作品,是精通和喜愛工藝制作的人們精心收藏的江戶時期的精品和珍品。

I am parson tringham , the antiquary , of stagfoot lane 我是鹿腳路的考古學家特林漢姆牧師。

The best antiquaries have now confuted homer . 最好的考古學者已經將荷馬駁倒了。