
antiquarian adj.1.古物的,文物的。2.研究文物的,搜集古物的。...

“ well , nannette , judging by those great tomes you are struggling with , we have something in common . i have my own small collection of antiquarian books and first editions my self “ “蘭麗緹,從你閱讀的那些大部頭看來,我們有一些共同點。我也收集了不少古書和初版書。 ”


Catalog of holdings in the art and architecture collection , including acquisitions from the original astor , tilden and lenox collections , architectural source books , an antiquarian - based collection of portfolio and plate - books , and early design periodicals 藉由人之存在,在時間的軌跡中,結合藝術舉凡雕塑繪畫書法陶藝花藝甚或音樂給空間一個結構美感無法呈現的驚蟄。

The british museum was established in 1753 with funds raised from a public lottery . the first collection of about 80 , 000 objects was donated by sir hans sloane , a physician and antiquarian 1753年以公眾彩票籌集資金建館的大英博物館,最早的8萬件藏品,是由一位愛好古物的內科醫生漢斯斯隆爵士捐贈。

“ well , nannette , judging by those great tomes you are struggling with , we have something in common . i have my own small collection of antiquarian books and first editions my self “ “蘭麗緹,從你閱讀的那些大部頭看來,我們有一些共同點。我也收集了不少古書和初版書。 ”

Antiquarians hold we are , - and - and we have an old seal , marked with a ramping lion on a shield , and a castle over him 考古學家也認為我們姓德貝維爾,而且我們還有一方古印,上面刻有一面盾牌,盾牌上面有一頭撲起的獅子,獅子的上方是一座城堡。

The faravahar would remain an ancient relic until the early twentieth century , when both british and indian antiquarians gave it another life 直到二十世紀初,英國和印度古代文物研究者給予它另一個生命的時候,法拉瓦哈仍然是一種古代的廢墟。

Antiquarian book trade 古舊書業

Antiquarian book exchange 古舊書交換

The rise of wang yangming s philosophy and the evolution of the antiquarian literature 陽明心學興起與復古文學遷變

The library is rich in historical books and antiquarian works 這家圖書館擁有大量歷史和古籍。

Abaa antiquarian booksellers association of america 美國古舊書商協會

Antiquarian research and western historiography 博學好古研究與西方史學

Jeanie had no curiosity to make antiquarian researches, but, entering the town, went straight to the inn to which she had been directed at ferrybridge . 珍妮無心獵奇訪古,所以進城之后,就直奔浮橋旅社為她介紹的一家客店。

Along with that, it must be added, went a strong pedantic and antiquarian strain . 必須指出一股強烈的學究尚古風氣也隨之產生了。