
antipyretic adj.退熱的。n.退熱藥。


As mentioned above , - msh was also involved in the mechanism of the negative regulation of fever . in view of other data and our observations the consideration may reasonable that the antipyretic effect of - msh may be carried out by initiating release of avp 因此,我們認為,發熱時血漿和腦脊液中a一msh的增多可能是引起avp釋放的因素之一, , a一msh發揮解熱作用可能部分是通過血漿和腦脊液中avp的作用而實現的。

Medical function : antipyretic , alleviating pain , protecting liver , lowering blood sugar levelsin food industry taurine can be added to dairy products , beverage , monosodium glutamate and bean products 在醫療制藥方面,本品具有解熱鎮痛保肝降血糖維持正常視覺功能調節神經傳導調節脂類代謝.在食品工業上,可添加于乳制品飲料復合味精及豆制品中

About one week s supply of antipyretics for use when necessary note : store all medications safely . they should be properly stored out of children s reach and sight . any expired medications should be discarded 足夠約一周使用之退燒藥,以備不時之需注:請安全地儲存所有藥物,將退燒藥妥善存放于小童不能觸及和看不到的地方,并棄掉所有過期藥物。

Avp play an antipyretic effect via receptor mediating mechanism . data showed that in a febrile animal , avp performed its antipyretic role with a neurotransmitter substance , in the ventral septal region and man 現有的證據表明,發熱時avp在大腦發揮神經遞質的作用而引起解熱,其發揮解熱作用的部位是腹側隔區和中杏仁核。

Results compound ganmaoling capsules and tablets , the effect intensity in antibacteria , antivirus and antipyretic undifferentiated nearly and without statistics difference 結果復方感冒靈膠囊和片劑在體外抗菌、抗病毒、解熱等主要藥理作用強度基本相近,其差異均無統計學意義。

- melanocyte - stimulating homone , ( - msh ) , an endogenous antipyretic peptide , distributes extensively in the brain tissue 前言-黑素細胞刺激素( - melanocyte - stimulatinghomone , - msh )是一種內源性解熱、限熱物質,廣泛存在于中樞神經系統的多個區域內。

Arginine vasopressin ( avp ) is another endogenous fever - reduced peptide , which may acted its antipyretic effect by combining with vsa receptor 精氨酸加壓素( argininevasopressin , avp )也是一種內源性解熱物質,它通過作用于vsa的受體而發揮解熱作用。

Some children may develop fever on the 5th to 12th day after vaccination . this may last for 2 - 5 days , but can usually be controlled by antipyretics 有些兒童在注射后五至十二日內,可能會發燒,但是通常在二至五日內便會自動退燒,家長亦可用退燒藥處理。

This work is aimed at observing if there is any correlation between avp and - msh in the antipyretic response using radioimmunoassay ( ria ) technique Avp和- msh這兩種肽都屬于體溫的的負調節性物質,這兩者之間是否存在著某種關系呢

Conclusion compound ganmaoling capsules have obvious antibacterial , antiviral and antipyretic actions , which are slightly superior than that of the tablets 結論復方感冒靈膠囊具有明顯的抗菌、抗病毒、解熱作用,略優于原片劑。

Nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drugs have the anti - inflammatory , antipyretic and analgesic effects , and are one of most prescribed drugs nowadays 摘要非甾體類抗炎藥物具有抗炎癥、解熱、鎮痛等作用,是處方量最大的藥物之一。

It is also strongly possible that - msh also has its instinctive antipyretic way since its antipyretic effect was so stong 一msh所表現的解熱作用很強烈,因此不能排除。一msh也能通過其他途徑而發揮解熱作用。

Antipyretics for the treatment of fever , carbuncles and inflammation , colds and influenza , headache , dry throat , brown urine and constipation 解表通里,清熱解毒,用于外寒內熱,頭痛咽干,小便短赤,大便秘結。

Investigation and analysis on application of non steroid anti - inflammatory drugs and antipyretics and analgesics in our hospital 非甾體類抗炎藥及解熱鎮痛藥用藥情況調查分析

Experimental study on the antipyretic - analgesic and anti - inflammatory of total coumarins from radix angelicae dahurica 杭白芷香豆素組分解熱鎮痛抗炎作用的實驗研究

What kind of antipyretic do you usually prescribe to children who have got high fever 你們一般給發高燒的孩子開什么藥?

Analysis of antipyretic usage in pediatric emergency cases of nanhua hospital 解熱藥在南華醫院兒科急診中使用情況分析

It has a strong anti - inflammatory effect , antipyretics and relieves edema 它具有強力的抗發炎效果且能減輕水腫。

Study on antipyretic and anti - inflammatory effects of naoreqing oral liquid 腦熱清口服液解熱抗炎作用的實驗研究