
antiproton n.【物理學】反質子。

From there the antiprotons go into a “ catching trap , “ where most of their remaining energy is absorbed and radiated away by electrons swirling in a magnetic field , lowering them to a temperature of about 15 degrees above absolute zero and speeds of a few hundred feet per second 從那里反質子進入一個“捕獲線圈, ”在一個磁場中它們中的大多數以能量被吸收而且以電子渦流輻射掉了,降低它們的溫度為絕對零度上大約15度且速度為每秒數百英尺。

Once an antiproton and positron have joined forces , the resulting antihydrogen atom is electrically neutral and thus no longer caged by the electrical fields in the trap . “ the atom drifts to where it wants to go , “ said dr 一旦一個反質子和正電子具有了結合的力量,產生的反氫原子是中性的,結果在線圈中不再受電場束縛。


In modern laboratories like cern or fermilab in illinois , physicists accelerate antiprotons or positrons produced by nuclear reactions to the speed of light and collide them with conventional particles to produce tiny starbursts of primordial energy , recreating forms of matter and energy unseen since the big bang 像cern現代實驗室或伊利諾斯州費米實驗室,物理學家加速核反應產生的反質子或正電子到光速,而且把它們同常態粒子碰撞產生自大爆炸以后從未見過的物質和能量再生形態的原始能量極小星光閃耀。

From there the antiprotons go into a “ catching trap , “ where most of their remaining energy is absorbed and radiated away by electrons swirling in a magnetic field , lowering them to a temperature of about 15 degrees above absolute zero and speeds of a few hundred feet per second 從那里反質子進入一個“捕獲線圈, ”在一個磁場中它們中的大多數以能量被吸收而且以電子渦流輻射掉了,降低它們的溫度為絕對零度上大約15度且速度為每秒數百英尺。

We do model study on antiproton to proton ratio here . and we expect to see whether hijing can successfully describe au - l - au collisions at 130 agev and give a prediction to the results at 200 agev at the same time 這翠,我們想對反質子質子比作模型研究,看看hijing產生器在描述130agev的an十an對撞的成功程度,同時對200agev的結果作個預測。

Once an antiproton and positron have joined forces , the resulting antihydrogen atom is electrically neutral and thus no longer caged by the electrical fields in the trap . “ the atom drifts to where it wants to go , “ said dr 一旦一個反質子和正電子具有了結合的力量,產生的反氫原子是中性的,結果在線圈中不再受電場束縛。

Since rhic has run at a center - of - mass energy snn = 130 gev , and star collaboration analysed antiproton to proton ratio in mid - rapidity region using the first batch of data 去年, rhic上的star實驗組利用質心系能量130agev的an an對撞產生的首批數據,對中心快度區的反質子質子比進行了研究。

Positrons and antiprotons can individually be stored in a device called a penning trap , which uses a combination of magnetic and electric fields to hold charged particles in a vacuum 正電子和反質子能單獨地被儲存在一個稱作環形線圈裝置中,借助磁場和電場的一個聯合作用儲存真空收集來的粒子。

To do that , cern built the antiproton decelerator , which uses electric and magnetic fields to slow the particles from near light speed to about one - tenth of that , he said 為了要做那些, cern建造了反質子加速器,他說,使用電場和磁場把接近光速度的粒子減慢到光速的十分之一左右。

The information on baryon transporter stopping ) may be accessed by the measure - merit of antiproton to proton ratio yield 反質子質子產額比被認為是實驗上反映重于數阻止和穿透的很好的物理量。

We carry on model study on non - thermal phase transition and antiproton to proton ratio at rhic energies 本文對非熱相變和rhic能區的反質子質子產額比進行了模型研究。

Dirac's theory also predicted a negatively charged sister for the proton, called the antiproton . 狄喇克的理論還預言有一種質子的姐妹粒子,帶負電荷,叫做反質子。