
antipode n.1.恰恰相反的事物。2.【化學】對映體。3.【無線電...


In section 6 , we study some propositions of antipode and distinguished grouplike elements on braided hopf algebra and we get the following results : if a is a braided hopf algebra with antipode s , then s4 is inner . besides we also get the sufficient and necessary conditions that s2is inner in a finite dimensional hopf algebra . that is , s2is inner is equivalent to there being such that where t is a integral in a 第6節主要討論了辮子hopf代數上對極與本質類群元的一些性質,得到了如下的結果:如果a是一個辮子hopf代數,對極為s ,那么s ~ 4是inner的;另外我們還得到了有限維hopf代數中s ~ 2是inner的另一個充要條件,即:若s是有限維hopf代數, s為其對極, t a ~ *為積分,則s ~ 2是inner的等價于存在, ( a (

Hong kong has beaten macao in the struggle for the chinese trade , and now the greater part of the transportation of chinese goods finds its depot at the former place . docks , hospitals , wharves , a gothic cathedral , a government house , macadamized streets give to hong kong the appearance of a town in kent or surrey transferred by some strange magic to the antipodes 這里有船塢醫院碼頭倉庫還有一座哥特式建筑的大教堂和一個總督府到處是碎石鋪成的馬路,這一切都使人覺得這是英國肯特郡或薩里郡的某一個商業城市,從地球的那一面鉆過來,再出現在這一塊中國的土地上了。

I longed only for what suited me - for the antipodes of the creole : and i longed vainly . amongst them all i found not one whom , had i been ever so free , i - warned as i was of the risks , the horrors , the loathings of incongruous unions - would have asked to marry me 你似乎很快對我習慣了一我相信你覺得在你與你的嚴厲暴躁的主人之間,有引起共鳴的地方,因為我驚異地看到,一種愉快的自在感,立刻使你的舉止變得平靜了。

The main part of the antipodes includes a play within the play , wherein actors and the director / playwright are aware that they are performing a play and keep discussing the making of the said play 《對?地》的主要劇情發展呈現在劇中劇中,我們看到演員、導演編劇者很清楚知道他們在表演一?戲,他們不停地張羅演出的道具、服飾、討論演出的問題和技巧,將后臺真實情景全部呈現。

And it left him wondering why . possibly he had tried to find out the secret for himself , floundering up and down the antipodes and all that sort of thing and over and under - well , not exactly under , tempting the fates 說不定老人曾試圖親自探索一下海洋的奧秘99 ,于是就從地球的一端拆騰到另一端,從海面闖蕩到海底-喏,說海底并不大確切-就這樣撞著運氣。

On the ninth day after leaving yokohama , phileas fogg had traversed exactly one half of the terrestrial globe . the general grant passed , on the 23rd november , the one hundred and eightieth meridian , and was at the very antipodes of london 格蘭特將軍號正是11月23日越過一百八十度子午線,位于南半球的這條子午線,正好和北半球的倫敦隔著地球成一條垂直線。

The new zealand sub - antarctic islands consist of five island groups ( the snares , bounty islands , antipodes islands , auckland islands and campbell island ) in the southern ocean south - east of new zealand 新西蘭次南極區群島包括了新西蘭南部和東南部海域的五個島嶼(斯內斯群島,邦提群島,安提波德斯群島,奧克蘭群島以及坎貝爾島) 。

Richard brome ' s the antipodes ( or , the world upside down ) ( 1638 ) , a renaissance travel play , can be viewed as a metadrama , which is a play about plays 摘要英國文藝復興時期之劇作家理查?伯若姆所著之《對?地》 ( 1638 )是一?旅游喜劇,本論文討論該劇具有后設戲劇之特質,亦即該劇是一?討論戲劇的劇本。

One of the odder coincidences of physical geography is the fact that there are two double islands , roughly the same size , positioned at each other ' s antipodes , or farthest - distant point 自然地理上較為奇特的巧合之一是地球上有兩組大小約略相同、位置相對或者說相距最為遙遠的雙島。

This rabbit had no natural enemies in the antipodes , so that it multiplied with that promiscuous abandon characteristic of rabbits 這種兔子在澳,新兩地沒有天敵,結果它們就以兔類那種放蕩不羈的雜交方式繁殖起來。

This rabbit had no natural enemies in the antipodes , so that it multiplied with that promiscuous abandon characteristic of rabbits 這種兔子在澳大利亞及新西蘭沒有天敵,因此便以兔子所特有的雜亂交配迅猛繁殖起來。

Since he was not in the grave , i could bear , i thought , to learn that he was at the antipodes 我想,就是知道他在新西蘭和澳大利亞,我都能忍受。

The south pole is the antipode of the north pole 南極是北極的對?地。

On the antipodes in david malouf ' s fiction 手法在馬洛夫小說創造中的運用與表現

This approach to carbonyl compounds also allows the synthesis of either optical antipodes . 這個一氧化碳合成方法也可以制備任何一個旋光對映體。

The antipodes of love is hatred . 愛的反面是恨。

Our antipodes sleep while we wake . 我們醒著的時候,我們地球背面的人卻在睡覺。

The south pole is the antipode of the north pole . 南極是北極的對地。